Schedules of Trains Morocco

Easily get all ONCF schedules of your trains in Morocco!

Schedules of Trains Morocco - ONCF Timetables

"Schedules of Trains Morocco" is an Android app that provides real-time ONCF train schedules in Morocco. It's easy to use, requiring an internet connection, and serves as a reliable source for train information. While ticket reservations must be made via the official ONCF website, this app offers a straightforward, user-friendly experience for checking train times and routes. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us enhance our service.

App stats

Downloads: 157,447
Version: (Last updated: 2025-02-15)
Creation date: 2019-02-15
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

Wellbeing and Good service
by Saida Fikri, 2024-06-24

تطبيق زيرو .. وقت ما ندير بحث تبقى السكرين بيضاء .. لا في السيت و لا في التطبيق .. جربت ب 3 التيليفونات .
by Suh ail, 2021-08-23
View all user reviews

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