Real-Time French Trains Times

French train times of SNCF trains in real time to plan your trips in France.

Real-Time French Trains Times App

"Real-Time French Trains Times" is a free Android app that provides live updates on SNCF train schedules in France. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily check train times and plan your journeys ahead, especially useful during potential strikes. Transform your mobile device into your personal information desk and ensure your travels in France are well organized and enjoyable.

App stats

By: AppsBat
Downloads: 3,950
Rating: 4.83
Version: 1.2 (Last updated: 2018-05-31)
Creation date: 2018-05-31
Full description: See detailed description

User reviews

by One Two, 2020-12-11

Can we add more towns, there are oms I don't find or maybe I am typing wrong their names
by A Google user, 2019-09-13
View all user reviews

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