Android app statistics (Mar 2025)
Last updated: 2025-03-10
About Google Play Store
The Google Play Store is an official digital distribution platform developed and maintained by Google, primarily designed for devices running the Android operating system. It serves as the primary source for Android users to download and update applications, games, music, movies, TV shows, and books. The store provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to browse through various categories and discover new content. Additionally, it offers a secure environment for both developers and consumers, implementing measures like app vetting and regular security updates to ensure safe transactions and downloads.
In addition to its role in content distribution, the Google Play Store also supports developers by offering tools and resources for creating, hosting, and monetizing their applications. Developers can publish their apps and reach a global audience, benefiting from Google's powerful ecosystem and comprehensive analytics to track performance and user engagement. The platform utilizes a freemium model, where users can access apps for free with optional in-app purchases, and provides subscription services for continuous access to premium content.
Overall, the Google Play Store is an integral part of the Android ecosystem, connecting users with a vast array of digital content while providing developers with a robust platform to distribute and monetize their applications. Its seamless integration with Google services and devices enhances user experience, making it a central hub for accessing and managing content on Android devices.
Apps on Google Play Store over time
The graph, updated as of 2025-03-10, shows the number of available Apps on Google Play Store over time.
Games on Google Play Store over time
The graph, updated as of 2025-03-10, shows the number of available Games on Google Play Store over time.
Total downloads distribution of Android apps
The following graph shows the distribution of total downloads for all Android apps:
Development of total downloads since Android app launch date
To see how total downloads grow after Android app launch, we performed an analysis of all apps on Google Play Store. For all apps launched in a certain month, we determined which percentage of them had more than 1,000 and 10,000 total downloads. This analysis is updated daily. The following graph shows how the percentage of apps that reaches each of those download milestones develops over time after launching the app:
Total downloads per app since launch date
Rating distribution for Android apps
Android app ratings are a key metric that reflects user satisfaction and the overall quality of an Android app. These ratings range from one to five, where five stars indicate exceptional performance and user satisfaction, while one star points to significant issues or shortcomings. Users must have installed an Android app to rate it and leave reviews, sharing their experiences and providing feedback that can help other potential users decide whether to install the extension. These ratings also serve as valuable input for developers, guiding them to make improvements and address any issues.
Average rating distributions
Rating count distributions
Update frequency for Android apps
The "Last Updated" time for Android apps is a crucial piece of information displayed on each app's Google Play Store page. This timestamp indicates the most recent date the app was updated by its developers, providing users with an idea of how actively the app is being maintained and improved. Regular updates often signify that developers are actively squashing bugs, enhancing security, and adding new features, which can significantly improve the user experience. Conversely, extensions that have not seen updates in a long time might be outdated, potentially less secure, or incompatible with the latest versions of Android.