MP Mobile

MP Mobile Android App for Citizen Services

Total ratings

4.25 (Rating count: 5,684)

Review summary

    • App is slow and often times out
    • Frequent bugs and issues with the interface
    • OTP generation and verification problems
    • Lack of updates or current information on services
    • Poor integration with other necessary systems
    Most mentioned
    • Slow performance and processing
    • Issues with OTP generation
    • Inability to complete tasks like uploading documents or registering for services
    • Frequent errors and crashes
    • Poor user interface and experience
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for MP Mobile on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.30
    All time rating average: 4.25
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    86% (18)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Ankit Rajpoot
    this app processing is so time taking and slow facing interface problems
    Somya Bhadoriya
    Worst experience about this app , not working anything just buffering buffering all options
    Shikha Bharti
    No use, It doesn't generates OTP on entering Aadhar Number and without that we cannot proceed on further steps to complete the application. MP gov pls look into it. Hire some good developers based on skills.
    S Ogare, SHALOM
    Worst app of all time, need to be updated. Add true & authentic information of the areas...
    Sameer Salunke
    So many bugs and issues, always showing object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Ritesh Shrivastava
    This app is not accepting request for call arrangement on CM helpline .Also , updates of Schemes after 2018-2019 especially for Seeds distribution is not updated .IT team needs to connect with deptt and share this feedback to provide data so that the adoption % of the app remains high and it remains relevant to citizens .
    Sunil Kumar Kanth
    There's no proper integration with dependt & interconnects of apps between , so many problem in integration part sometime OTP will not relesed soemtime if OTP released after insterting the OTP app will not fetch data from dependent system to current app page to proceed to next level , sometime if you get the OTP it's delayed OTP app not accept the time outed OTPs, peple like me who have integrated 6 states SDC & apps not able to work on so what i can excpect from a general people or user ??
    Vijay Chouhan
    Useless App.... When i tried to creat income certificate,its automatically logout.. Sometimes its shows your internet it slow.. Bad app.. Need to fix problems.
    Saurabh Soni
    Worst App! Every time when I tried to upload image for a certificate, it keeps stopping and take me to login page again. I have to type every detail again and again.
    Vivek jabariya
    Worse app ever seen, response is as slow as jio. Lots off complications and ask about personal info. Govt app and both are useless..
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