MP Mobile

MP Mobile Android App for Citizen Services

MP Mobile - Citizen Services App for Madhya Pradesh

"MP Mobile" is an Android app developed by the Government of Madhya Pradesh to provide citizen-centric services efficiently. It consolidates various G2C services from multiple government departments, agencies, and corporations, making them accessible to citizens conveniently. With MP Mobile, residents can benefit from e-governance initiatives designed to deliver services at their doorstep in a transparent and affordable manner.

App stats

Downloads: 1,439,602
Version: 87 (Last updated: 2022-11-29)
Creation date: 2015-04-11
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App is slow and often times out
    • Frequent bugs and issues with the interface
    • OTP generation and verification problems
    • Lack of updates or current information on services
    • Poor integration with other necessary systems
    Most mentioned
    • Slow performance and processing
    • Issues with OTP generation
    • Inability to complete tasks like uploading documents or registering for services
    • Frequent errors and crashes
    • Poor user interface and experience
    User reviews
    this app processing is so time taking and slow facing interface problems
    by Ankit Rajpoot, 2024-12-15

    No use, It doesn't generates OTP on entering Aadhar Number and without that we cannot proceed on further steps to complete the application. MP gov pls look into it. Hire some good developers based on skills.
    by Shikha Bharti, 2024-06-20
    View all user reviews

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