Maps Measure

Measure the world! Calculate distances, areas and elevations in Google Maps

Total ratings

4.35 (Rating count: 8,679)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Accurate distance measurements
  • Useful for planning walks and runs
  • Good elevation measurement feature
  • Simple and straightforward interface
  • Recent updates have introduced bugs
  • Elevation API often does not work
  • Issues with screen size on certain devices
  • Incompatibility with newer Android versions
Most mentioned
  • Elevation feature issues
  • Bugs in the newer version of the app
  • User desire for more measurement unit options
  • Screen display problems on certain devices
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.35
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Date Author Rating Comment
Thomas Hasty
When I am figuring out how far I want to walk, it nice to be able to measure to landmarks. This app seems to do a good job. Use it almost every day.
Jason B
This seems to work well as a replacement for Planimeter - GPS Area Measure since they auto-updated to a subscription model and killed everyone's purchased app.
Dear team, Pls add more function like distance also mentioned with lat,long parellely. Thanks
Make Name Acceptable Go
I'm using an older version because reviews say newer one is buggy. What I'm using works great. Near as I can tell the (paid) elevation function is excellent, on one (relatively) flat stretch of road it was actually showing 2' variances over a mile or so (I'd say accurate). The nearby parallel railroad did not, also likely accurate. I realize the base info is Google but having the interface is impressive. Suggest the author make a separate donation app, so one can donate without updating.
Annie Enauce
The app is good, but i was wondering if there is a tool or software/app that can help me to extract coordinates of the conner points of the polygon/marked area
quamaniq unnuk
the old version was better. current version, most selections are off screen. can't select satellite view, or app options. 0.5 stars really
PJay Snowden
Lost a star...because...after 5 years...I decided to buy premium...only to find that it doesn't work. Elevation API is more often than not, not working. Shame.
Mike Walker
Rubbish app, turn my screen to horizontal and the screen flashes like it's broken my display.. and then the app shuts down... waste of time.
PingAn Chen
screen size faulty on samsung note. menu almost lost to edge. bad measurement.
5 stars. My best map app. In playstore. I have deleted my previous comment because i found out that my complaint has been attended to. Thanks for the quick response.
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