BVG Fahrinfo: Route planner

The local travel map and ticket app for Berlin city bus, tram, train & subway

Total ratings

3.92 (Rating count: 30,310)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Significantly decreased user experience and usability after the update
    • Ticket purchasing process is cumbersome and often fails
    • Inability to access purchased tickets or have them disappear after app restarts
    • Criticism of new design being less intuitive with too many clicks needed to perform basic functions
    • Frequent app crashes and reliability issues when trying to validate tickets
    Most mentioned
    • App updates have diminished functionality and user experience
    • Issues with ticket purchasing and validation
    • Difficulties with route planning and accessing real-time information
    • Overall dissatisfaction with the new interface and design
    • Problems with app crashing or logging users out frequently
    See reviews for BVG Fahrinfo: Route planner on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.40
    All time rating average: 3.92
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    69% (25)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Andrey Fadeev
    Update in 2024 made it significantly worse both in terms of UX and stability. Buying a ticket became longer and much more a game of chance. Activating more than one ticket at once is nice though.
    Eve Schu
    Horrible user experience and user journey since the major app redesign. Not intuitive when buying s ticket or viewing how many rides you have left, too much scrolling / swiping due to huge icons instead of a list, too many tabs for a similar purpose. A typical example of verschlimmbesserung
    Alex Kennedy
    Seems design is based on iPhone first? Some more red and green helpers to help navigation would be nice. For example when trying to activate a multi charge ticket it won't tell you why it cannot be activated. It is missing an origin station to be selected and also a number of charges. Then you can tap activate. But before then you can't and you don't know why. You only seem to use yellow and black as colours! You can definitely use green and red for feedback!
    Used to be fantastic, now much of the information is unreliable or incorrect, and buying a ticket is the most ridiculous absurd mess - why on earth do you need to know all my personal details to buy a standard ticket? Absolute disgrace and a violation of privacy rights, should be possible to buy a ticket as a guest anonymously and also for other people travelling with you. I can no longer travel with the bus and the price of a single ticket is disgusting, why are there no return tickets?
    Tony Mangi
    Bought a carnet of 4 tickets and then trying to utilise them it closes the app with a message saying there's a bug. You then have to disinstall and reinstall the app to use the ticket. Following day same thing. Very unreliable. Also unable to purchase tickets as always getting error. Apart from checking schedule it is a pretty useless app.
    Hugues Richard
    I have to change my 5 star review to a 1 star with the last big update of the app. The most practical option was to have the time for the next buses and train in the nearby stations. It is now gone and I have no way to see when to get my next bus/Bahn.
    Sergey Kasatikov
    Aside from all the overall dissatisfaction regarding the route search provided by this app, the basic service of purchasing and validating tickets is beyond horrible. At the moment I cannot use the tickets I have purchased because the validation process is not working (and has not been working at least for a week). My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable. Outsource your app to indians, it will get better because it cannot be any worse.
    Dings Bumps
    Major update makes superficial design changes while reducing functionality. Tells me there are no trains at all with wrong time but when I search for public transit + bike it shows all of the normal routes at the correct time. Can't find my purchased tickets even though I'm logged in. Full of Denglisch and useless buttons ("On boarding"). Maybe spend less on your ad campaigns and more on reliable service. Now ticket prices shown as €0? Even getting the airport is impossible w this app. Shameful.
    Original app was really great but the updated version is a real step backwards in user experience. Now it has stopped allowing me to activate tickets that I paid for. For the first time in several years I have restarted buying paper tickets. Great job guys. Top tip in life: if its not broken, don't try to fix it.
    Mats Krams
    It is so annoying to check any routes. It first asks about the destination and then automatically calculate the routes from your current location. Why can't I just choose the starting location before it calculates anything. The old design was so much user friendly.
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