Reviews of SSGC Customer Connect

List of user reviews and ratings for SSGC Customer Connect

Total ratings

2.29 (Rating count: 3,846)

Review summary

    • Complaint section not working
    • App frequently crashes or closes unexpectedly
    • No customer support response or assistance
    • Payment and billing information not updating properly
    • Bugs affecting usability, such as dropdown menus malfunctioning
    Most mentioned
    • Complaint option not functioning
    • App crashes when attempting to lodge complaints
    • No response from customer support feature
    • Issues with payment and bill visibility
    • Various bugs hindering functionality
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for SSGC Customer Connect on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.80
    All time rating average: 2.29
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    Rating filters

    5 star
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    80% (35)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Obaid Siddiqui
    I'm highly frustrated with the application's lack of support. The chat feature appears to be unmanned, and I've been unable to submit a complaint. Additionally, the help function is not working. To improve user experience, I suggest investing in a more reliable support system. As it stands, I've found the application to be disappointing and unusable.
    shaista fatima
    Not good at all. Neither entrain nor responding to their customers. Always updat their status as "completed" without solving the problem .
    Zain Mirza
    The app has many bugs. App closes if complaint needs to be registered. Unable to view details or current bill.
    Umair Ahmed Ansari
    There are bugs in the app. The dropdown menu in the Complain section is not working. Complaint is not getting a lounge either. As soon as I go to lounge, the app closes.
    Muneer Memon
    Your application has not been working for the last several months. Unable to check bill, pay online & type & submit complaint. Even not give a single star for review. Zero.
    Asif Shamsi
    Complain tab in this app is not working. Not been able to select my account. Keyboard is also not launching.
    Aamir Shaikh
    Best application for connecting ssgc but kindly update more option like Name change and billing complaint like wrong billing over billing due to house closed etc UNABLE TO COMPLAINT DUE TO COMPLAINT SYSTEM NOT WORKING IN MOBILE APPLICATION KINDLY CHECK and solved this issue
    Syed Uzair Ali
    *SUGGESTION* Kindly add one option if someone paid the bill through any payment mode and amount is credited in SSGCL account, So add feature on the application that text would be shown as "Amount Has Been Received", Thank you.
    Jawwad Ali Khan
    Complaint option is not working application stoped working and logged out. Tried multiple times but same error
    Imtiaz Ali
    Pathetic App totally fraud App, tried to lodge a complaint of over billing/incorrect reading but it stops several time, customer care is not their priority
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