Control Center Simple

Control all apps from the control center simple app. Powerful control center

Total ratings

4.65 (Rating count: 1,416,693)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to set up and use
  • Turns Android interface into something similar to iPhone
  • Some users reported it working well for their phones
  • Appealing to users who prefer iPhone-style controls
  • Provides an alternative to Android's quick settings
  • Frequent ads that disrupt user experience
  • Bluetooth and WiFi controls do not function properly
  • Issues with landscape mode; not all controls work
  • App resets configurations upon phone restart
  • Some users reported it as a scam or not functioning at all
Most mentioned
  • Presence of ads
  • Non-functioning Bluetooth and WiFi controls
  • Problems with landscape mode
  • Resetting settings after restart
  • Overall user experience is frustrating
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.65
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29% (15)
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33% (17)
Date Author Rating Comment
Santana Caldwell
It's good, but it's a 3 because 1 the controls for the wifi and Bluetooth dont work, nor the hotspot or airplane mode, and the 2nd reason is because whenever my phone dies or I restart it, the whole thing starts over and I have to do the whole thing over again, hopefully they do something about it but overall its okay
Delma Guzman
It is a good app and when I got it and set it up it started to work real quick there was a couple of ads but they went away after a while.
Haikal Haris
It's working for me. But for rating not bad. I rate 3/5 because the ada are annoying. And when i landscape the control Center not landscape too. Developer, please fix this problem
NøT ManDiv
There are bugs and glitch like when i see contol bar it show charging logo even the phone is not on charge and the brightness is not working properly too .
Angelica Molina
Bad it's fake if you see this don't download pls don't your wasting your time first ads when you show up at the very first sec you se multiple ads not Good 1 even said I have to pay $15 to get the full screen if there was a 0 I would give it a 0 not good I think the $15 was an ad idk like I said the ads is literally like the app
Shanto Ahmed
It's very amazing. But there is no iphone system. Please do it iphone system and it not work media and do not disturb.
Bhujang gaikwad Gaikwad
It sounds like you're referring to a control creation app. Could you clarify what you mean by "control create app"? Are you looking for an app that helps create custom controls or interfaces, or is it something else? Let me know more details so I can assist you better!
Sa'Rahyia Evans-Brandon
It's a good app but I think y'all need to go fix it because I cannot access the ability or whatever it says and I don't know how to like change it so y'all need to go fix it but it's been a good app so far but if y'all don't know how to work it I do not recommend y'all getting this but if you know what you're doing then yes you can get this and I hope it is good to y'all like it was good to me so far so I think y'all should all download this game or whatever it is because you can really help you
This app does what it says, well but everything is f***ed up when i switch to landscape mode, pls fix this. it makes the app unable to use for me since i use landscape a lot.
Natalia Connally
but the only problem is when I don't have the access in my phone it's not letting me move forward please fix that. please let me move on to the next thing cause I don't have access to the notification settings thank you
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