LH청년전세임대주택 - 청년주택, 신혼희망타운 주택청약

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LH청년전세임대주택: 청년 및 신혼주택 청약

LH청년전세임대주택 - 청년주택, 신혼희망타운 주택청약 is an app that provides comprehensive information on youth and newlywed housing initiatives. Users can access real-time updates on rental announcements, policy changes, and support details all in one place. With notification services for the latest news and direct links to pre-subscription confirmations, this app enhances convenience for those seeking housing solutions. The platform also offers a Q&A section to address common inquiries about LH housing.

App stats

Downloads: 20,580
Version: 9.0 (Last updated: 2024-12-05)
Full description: See detailed description


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