LH임대분양정보 알림센터 - 분양정보 임대주택 행복주택

Through the real-time notification service, quickly receive real-time rental sales, happy housing, and subscription information, including real estate policies that will change in 2025.

LH Rental Sales Info Notification Center

LH임대분양정보 알림센터 - 분양정보 임대주택 행복주택 is an Android app providing real-time notifications for rental sales, happy housing, and housing policies changing in 2025. This app simplifies your search for rental housing announcements from public institutions. With comprehensive guides on application procedures and support qualifications, it keeps you updated with the latest news and important announcements in your area.

App stats

Downloads: 11,857
Version: 4.0 (Last updated: 2024-11-12)
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

분양에 관련된 모든 정보를 한 곳에서 제공받을 수 있어서 정말 좋았습니다. 지도를 통해 전국의 분양 공고를 한 눈에 확인할 수 있는 기능과 실시간으로 업데이트되는 정보를 받아볼 수 있는 점이 매우 만족스러웠습니다.
by Jonathan Bal, 2024-06-22
View all user reviews

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