
Real-time order information, schedule appointments, live-chat, and more.

Total ratings

2.99 (Rating count: 135)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • When it works, it is useful for checking the status of repair claims and getting information about the power chair.
  • Customer support is reported to be friendly and helpful when directly contacted.
  • Frequent login issues, including being stuck in a verification code loop and problems with password resets.
  • Unreliable functionality, often requiring users to uninstall and reinstall or reset passwords frequently.
  • Poor communication and updates regarding wheelchair service, causing frustration for customers.
  • Requires biometric authentication without prior setup, excluding some users from accessing the app easily.
  • Limited updates and ineffective communication from the company, leading to dissatisfaction.
Most mentioned
  • Login issues and loops, either for verification codes or password resets.
  • App crashes or malfunctions requiring frequent reinstallation or updates that are not available.
  • Poor customer service and lack of effective communication regarding wheelchair repairs and appointments.
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Recent rating average: 1.10
All time rating average: 2.99
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86% (18)
Date Author Rating Comment
Terry Dammeier
Update: Reinstalled app, changed password and can access app. When attempting to view completed delivery ticket, pdf doesn't load. Selecting secondary viewing option link goes to Numotion's Salesforce cloud page, to which I could not login. No change in one star raring. Can't access account. Login and access code loop.
Lisa Wolf
At first it worked great. But now I'll enter my email and pass code, and then I'm send to an identity verification page. Put in THAT code and taken right back to the sign in page. I'm able to sign into the website in my tablet/laptop just fine.
alva rodriguez
They don't or won't update with the correct information about my wheelchair. They claimed that they put in a new actuator, but after using it for 2 weeks, it breaks.
William Wood
I am a customer of new motions for over a year-and-a-half and I have found new motions to be the worst company I have ever dealt with. Numotions customers are disabled. And at the mercy of nu-motions I was lied to never got a return phone call I did all of the work contacting my doctor's getting medical records sent to them copies of medical records. referrals from my primary doctor I had three in-home visits. Three different outside medical appointments. So much more.
Kelsey Bailey
It keeps telling me to update to the latest version of the app to continue using it, but won't let me update it. I don't even think an update is available. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling, still does the same thing.
The app wants biometric login. Will not open with out it. It is like working with company, a really bad experience. I would not recommend to anyone. I attempted a second install. No joy. If you get stuck with this app I wish you well. I am doing what I can to stop the purchase. Do not deal with these people.
Wheelchair Queen
I can't even get signed in because when I try to register it says it will send me an email but never does. It's bad enough half of you don't listen to our needs in person but this makes it worse
Justin Williams
Rarely updated, never used for effective communication, had to constantly call to get updated and I knew about my denial because my insurance sent me the letter before NuMotion said squat.
Donna Marie Corrieri
Poor service, tech unable to fix, last one replaced suspension away advised poor Care. I'm still angry to have been told by Jonathan to use the chair as little as possible! I'm not in a specialized chair for giggles and I resent the fact that repairs were truly not expedited; awa not being kept in the loop. No excuses. I find it very sad. It just shouldn't be like that. Not a confident way to run a business. As a former entrepreneur, I just had to be vigilant with those depending on my service
Sy Kay
Worst app ever; app creator should be horse-whipped, then drawn & quartered! Chat doesn't work, password reset is an endless loop going nowhere! Either fix it or ???
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