MapQuest: Get Directions

MapQuest is your go-to app for maps, GPS, voice navigation & live traffic.

Total ratings

4.11 (Rating count: 67,142)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use interface for navigation.
  • Good at providing detailed route options.
  • Has the ability to load multiple stops on a route.
  • Reliable accuracy in rural areas.
  • Intrusive ads disrupt the user experience and functionality.
  • Full-screen and video ads before accessing directions are highly frustrating.
  • Lack of options to remove ads without a fee.
  • Technical issues related to app stability, especially with the latest updates.
Most mentioned
  • App has become heavily ad-driven, affecting usability.
  • Prior versions were more user-friendly and ad-free.
  • Many users expressing frustration with the app's direction-giving capabilities post-update.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 4.11
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Date Author Rating Comment
Josh Finch
Looking for an alternative to Google Maps and the first thing I see is an ad that blocks the entire screen, with no way to go ad free at the present. I'm not even going to give it a try with intrusive ads and I'm not going to waste my time checking back to see if there is an ad-free version and how much it costs. You guys lost a potential motivated customer and any other Google refugees I talk to. GG.
john d
Until recently this was a 5-star app. Now the ads have become extremely intrusive, and in one case an ad for a different app said Mapquest would not work due to an outdated pdf reader (pdf for interactive maps?? Are you kidding me??) The ad *completely* blocked the Mapquest screen - even the *tiny* 'continue to mapquest' button was covered. Worst of all it then tried to install a *SPYWARE*'Pdf reader! MAPQUEST NEEDS TO FIX THIS SITUATION FAST!
Jim Bane
Used this app since it furst csmebout. An update does not open the app, instead it has a full screen ad with the link to mapquest in a very very small font. 1/21/25 Click on it, select directions, and the same damn thing happens. UNINSTALLING. I'll check back in 6 months to see if it's still this stupid.
Once again, we have an app that was a nice app that was easy to access, but someone had to change it , and now we have to deal with the ads to get directions. THANK GOD FOR GOOGLE MAPS !! This app was much better before they changed things . IF IT'S NOT BROKEN , DONT FIX IT ! UPDATE : I finally had to delete Mapquest
Michael Ruhlen
The new ads in this app block access to its function in a particularly obtrusive manner - right there on its entire first page with a minimally obvious way to go directly to a functional interface. I am strongly considering giving up on it and switching to a different one. January 2025 update. Seems all companies are selling out and adding ads before utility. However, after YEARS of use, I am giving up and uninstall ingredients what has now become dated and filled with garbage content
scott hepborn
This has been a superb app. Once in a while (read rarely) it is behind in newly built areas. But then, Florida is building so fast it's hard to keep up. I travel often to new areas. Some have just been built. So, occasionally, MapQuest MAY not have the new roads in their system. I have used this for over 25 years of being on the road and NEVER had ads until now so drop to 2 stars!!
Ginger Coleman
MapQuest is so focused on ads now, including a wide banner at the bottom of the screen that takes from your viewing area, that you can't even find the option to avoid traffic or avoid highways. AND it's SO annoying to have to click a tiny space at the top to get past a full-page ad when you first try to open the app. When I need a map, I need it now- who's going to take the time to watch a bunch of ads?? About to uninstall MapQuest after using and appreciating it for many years.
Nancy Harman
Yup, just like everything else that works well for a long time this app now sucks due to someone thinking qe need to see ads at every turn. Watch an ad before the app even opens? Nope. And there's no way I'll be watching one in mainstream traffic when I'm needing to keep track of where I'm going. Sorry, you're losing another long time customer with this bonehead move. And no, I'm not sticking around to pay for something that you once provided for free.
Donald Hite
Was a good navigation app until someone had the bright idea to monetize it by placing ads on the screen. Who reads or responds to an ad while they're driving? Just an overall bad move from a safety perspective as well as screen utilization and general annoyance. Should have just charged a one time fee for the app. Going back to a standalone nav system.
J Pena Jr
Good app. Sometimes goes from map to turn-by-turn instructions and has no toggle to get back to map. My maps are always "stick maps." Does not go to displaying "satellite map" that shows actual terrain. Other times, after completing a trip, cannot get to screen to start a new trip. Have to reboot phone and start app again. Otherwise, good app. 12/12/24 This app is useful even if you already know the route. Just plug in your known destination to see WHAT TIME you will arrive So 90mph or 65mph.
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