Internet Blocker - No Root

Internet Blocker - No Root enables advanced ways to block internet for apps.

Total ratings

3.50 (Rating count: 180)

Review summary

  • No subscription model or ads
  • Ability to block internet access for individual apps
  • Improves device performance by restricting background data
  • Good for privacy and security
  • User-friendly interface for controlling internet access
  • Not working on certain devices (e.g., Samsung F22)
  • Some users experienced it crashing or failing to restrict apps
  • Concerns over the requirement for a VPN
  • Allegations of plagiarizing another app's code
  • Limited availability of PRO options
Most mentioned
  • Not working on some devices
  • Effectiveness in stopping background apps
  • No ads or subscriptions
  • User experience regarding app blocking
  • VPN requirement raising security concerns
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Internet Blocker - No Root on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.50
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Rating filters

5 star
43% (9)
4 star
10% (2)
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5% (1)
2 star
10% (2)
1 star
33% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Uday Pratap Singh N8301
Working perfectly on my device
Uday Pratap Singh B5Pro
Not working on my device
Fuck Off
Takes to long and you have to pay to view who is hacking and tracking your stuff
Too cool
Barry Foxworth
Will review after my trial run to see if it works. Note: All. PRO purchases are unavailable! There's no where to buy these PRO options. ????
Rusty Shackleford
wanted to leave a good review after my adguard stopped working, this works perfectly and doesn't have any subscription model or ads
Apolx Bañez
It requires me to use VPN, which is alarming. Maybe it could hack all my acounts
Biplab Gaming
not working on samsung phone
Shivshankar Kumar
not working on samsung f22
A COMPLETE RIP-OFF OF THE APP "NETGUARD - NO ROOT FIREWALL." You used his entire open source code but didn't even bother to modify the code and try and attempt to make the app something that could ever have a chance to be something worthy on its on, instead you decided just to be a sad wanna-be using someone else's work as your own.!!
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