Internet Blocker - No Root

Internet Blocker - No Root enables advanced ways to block internet for apps.

Internet Blocker - No Root: Advanced App Firewall

"Internet Blocker - No Root" is an open-source app that allows you to block internet access for individual applications and addresses without requiring root access, helping to reduce data usage and increase privacy. It supports both Wi-Fi and mobile connections, offers advanced blocking options, and is compatible with Android 5.1 and later. With features like system app blocking, tethering support, and detailed usage notifications, it provides unique functionality not seen in other no-root firewalls.
Install from Google Play Store

App stats

Downloads: 39,467
Rating: 3.38
Version: (Last updated: 2022-07-06)
Creation date: 2022-06-25
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Not available on Chrome
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • No subscription model or ads
  • Ability to block internet access for individual apps
  • Improves device performance by restricting background data
  • Good for privacy and security
  • User-friendly interface for controlling internet access
  • Not working on certain devices (e.g., Samsung F22)
  • Some users experienced it crashing or failing to restrict apps
  • Concerns over the requirement for a VPN
  • Allegations of plagiarizing another app's code
  • Limited availability of PRO options
Most mentioned
  • Not working on some devices
  • Effectiveness in stopping background apps
  • No ads or subscriptions
  • User experience regarding app blocking
  • VPN requirement raising security concerns
User reviews
Working perfectly on my device

Not working on my device
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