NAPSA Mobile

Napsa Mobile Application for members and employers

Total ratings

4.22 (Rating count: 723)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great user interface that is easy to navigate.
  • Previously helpful for checking contributions and balances.
  • Frequent login failures and connectivity issues.
  • App is often reported as being in maintenance mode.
  • Inability to receive OTP for sign-in.
  • Lack of updates, with the last one being in 2022.
  • General frustration with usability and performance.
Most mentioned
  • App is reported as unusable or non-functional.
  • Ongoing login errors despite having stable internet.
  • Maintenance mode message appears frequently.
  • Inability to check contributions or account balance.
  • Requests for feature updates like personal information management.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.10
All time rating average: 4.22
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76% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
malcolm malambo
The website is far far much better, Napsa take this app out or engage a professional to maintain it. Those are the two options you have.
Shadreck Likezo
When I login it's constantly continuesly indicating; something went wrong with request please check your internet connection and try again. Why is it indicating so when my phone is utilizing 5G network with 100GB as data bundles.
Hope Chilebela
App keeps crashing, can't log in due to poor network even when data is on and in highest band of next work. Very frustrating app
Innocent kunda
The app last got an update in 2022 (2 years ago). Clearly it's a deliberate move that this app remains unusable it seems. What a shame. It used to be very helpful, not any more and for years now.
zacchaeus chilembo
The app used to function well. This time it's bad. You can't open it. Can someone responsible work on it. So it is still a problem since 2023. You haven't worked on it. In this era, still struggling with an app.
David kunda
This application doesn't allow me to sign at all, I tried requesting for the OTP, and I didn't receive it regardless of trying multiple times. simply put, this application is USELESS.
eunice changwe
This app used to work well, but since partial withdraw it has become useless. Can't even login, always giving errors. This shud be worked on
Arnold Chibuye
The app used to help me check my contributions monthly because l was receiving messages. But now l don't receive any information. And when l try to log in to check my total balance l am told there's no network even when l have plenty of data bundles.
Benjamin Mubanga
I give it a one star, it used to work well in the past but now when I try to log in it gives me the logging failed check internet connection even when my internet connection is stable. It should be worked on soon.
Antrance Chisanga
This app isn't working anymore please remove it from playstore it's really irritating. It used to be a good app some time back but now you can't check anything. Try to resolve this issue please. You don't deserve even a single
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