We Are All Police

An Abu Dhabi Police initiative allowing you to help create a safer Abu Dhabi

Total ratings

3.71 (Rating count: 409)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for reporting incidents and community involvement.
  • Proud to be associated with community policing efforts.
  • Some users find the app helpful for participating in local events.
  • Frequent login and registration issues, including app crashes and error messages.
  • Poor user interface design, especially with hidden buttons and navigation problems.
  • Connection problems, with many users unable to access the app or submit reports.
Most mentioned
  • Login issues and app crashes during registration or password reset.
  • Inability to connect or submit reports on Android devices.
  • User interface problems leading to navigation difficulties.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.71
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19% (4)
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43% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
Angi S.
Dear app developers, I've registerd a long time ago and never attended any training, yet I keep receiving messages and SMS to join.. I dont remember my loin info, and can't find away to cancle this registration. Kindly help..
I am proud to be a member of Abu Dhabi Community Police. I am always ready to sacrifice myself for the sake of the beauty and safety of Abu Dhabi.
Nelson Varghese Earali
Works with Apple not with Android. When using in Android phone, app crashes.
Mohd Jishan
After log in it's not working when I'm trying to re open.
abdul jabbar tp
Nice working app And also need invite friends option ..
Nakesh Kumar Singh
I used this app for posting some mischievous incidents happening around my place. It was resolved promptly. And I used this app to participates many events inside Abu Dhabi. Really useful app
Rising Star
Application user interface is not appropriate. It's login button is fixed on verification code.. So, users are not able to see verification code because it is hidden behind login button.. Might be it's working on Android 12 but for Android older versions it's not working. Plz fix it
Your Guide
Please add option for forget password with email otp I can not open my application bcz I lost sim card and forget password
rabie aljohari
Not working as expected on android, not able to submit any report
Sajid Yaseen
When I put my e mail address for password reset, it do not accept. There isn't any other option except then this.
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