Reviews of Writing Prompts

List of user reviews and ratings for Writing Prompts

Total ratings

3.86 (Rating count: 210)

Review summary

  • Great compilation of prompts available in various categories
  • Helps alleviate writer's block and provides inspiration
  • Free to use without subscription fees
  • Offers a supportive community for writers
  • Lots of prompts to choose from
  • Excessive ads disrupt the user experience
  • Lacks a bookmarking or favorites feature
  • No option to download prompts or books for offline use
  • Static layout with minimal interactivity
  • Some prompts are considered cliché or poorly organized
Most mentioned
  • Ads are intrusive
  • Need for a favorites/bookmark feature
  • Prompts are helpful for inspiration and writer's block
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.86
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25% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Yu Yuphoria
Great compilation of prompts but lacks the ability to fav/bookmark pages to come back to as there are so many pages full of prompts. Infact this feature is missing in all of the authors' apps. Hope the dev can implement this ASAP.
Andrea Gresham
Best writing promp app. There's so many and from whatever category you like. It's sometimes hard to start writing because you can't come up with a topic. Not here, the choices are endless. They even have prompts for children.
Harish Swami
Utter trash, did not even open for more than a minute before force closing. Disappointed.
JuJu baby
I love the prompts!. They're very helpful for my writer's block or when I need fresh ideas. And I love that you don't need any subscription or have to pay anything for the prompts. It's a really good app. The only issue is that I can't download the books in the app. It'd be really awesome if I could download the books in the app to a library so I could read the prompts and books offline. Oh, and dark mode would be nice. It'd be super appreciated if you did. I'd surely rate it five stars.
Alex Stark
Immediately took me to a list of books. One of which was the book of prompts that you can buy cheep online. Immediately plagued with ads after each thing I clicked on. Ridiculous and a waste of time.
Deborah Bowers
Love the idea behind the app however there are so many ads you can't explore the app to find a prompt to use
Alicia Osmundson
If it weren't for the ads I'd give a better rating but the ads make this app annoying not useful. Otherwise prompts are interesting and kinda cool to work with
Onika Hossain
I love this app! 😍 You can pick and choose between countless prompts created by fellow users to write a short story to, and get feedback and praise once you do. You can suggest your own prompts, read others' stories, and contribute to a small but wonderful community of budding writers. Everyone's very kind (including the staff!) and all in all it's just a lovely place to create and experience stories and more.
Phillip Tang
Prompts are good but as is, this app would probably function better as a website. It's all static pages with no interactivity. Even if there was an option for the user to check off that they've completed a prompt or automatically move to the next prompt each day would be great.
Violet Ludolph
I began writing I as part of my psychiatric therapy and found I could communicate more easily in writing than verbally. Unfortunately, daily events intruded & my writing nearly stopped. When recent events seemed to overwhelm, a friend suggested writing again. I felt stuck without inspiration. This app was suggested as a starting point & it has been wonderful. I'm finding my voice again. I would recommend this for beginners or others who need a nudge to start again.
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