MP3 Converter - Video to MP3

The Video to MP3 Converter & Audio Converter can easily convert video to audio

Total ratings

4.32 (Rating count: 8,355)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Does what it says it will do
  • Allows users to convert videos to MP3 easily
  • Basic features available in free version
  • Users appreciate the ability to name converted files
  • App is plagued by excessive ads
  • Ads persist even after paying for premium
  • Some features, like audio fade-out, do not work as expected
  • Users experience crashes or glitches (black screen)
Most mentioned
  • Excessive ads are a major complaint
  • Functionality is inconsistent (e.g., not showing videos, high-quality audio issues)
  • Paid features are seen as necessary for a better experience
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.32
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48% (10)
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33% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Not bad at all once you get past the absolutely obnoxious adds. Even when you pay for it the app will occasionally force adds on you
Amrita Tiwary
Great app , i am really satisfied with this app , amazing features,does not show too such add👌
Drew Reynolds
Went from good to straight trash it still works but there is a ridiculous amput of adds. thanks for turning your app into trash like the rest of the world you D 🎒!
Rook Knight
Absolutely terrible. I'd rather the Apps with ads. They're so much faster than this app. What a waste of time.
Alternative Rock Type Beat
Yeah, the app does what it says it does. Im a youtube creator, so being able to take my uploads and turn them into mp3 matters! The ads aren't too unbearable, making it useable
Harsh Dhillon
Dis is a one great app for cutting or merging nd for converting video to mp3
Shivani Salagna
Thank you for this lovely fiture I'm happy to get this.. because I need to change my video in to audio it's helpful for all thanks a lot for this amazing app
so far best app mp³ converter equalizer qnd everything is clear. unlike the other app ...hreat keep it up
isaac kayombo
Amazing app. Kindly add more features for editing I love it so much.
klodi T
Good app. Of course best funksions are with money. But and with free can do many things. Hope that in future free can have more.
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