Zoom for BlackBerry

It takes advantage of Zoom features in a secure BlackBerry deployment.

Total ratings

3.99 (Rating count: 3,793)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works great for some users without issues.
  • Easy setup and functionality reported by a few users.
  • Provides an additional layer of security for enterprise environments.
  • Frequent 'app not responding' errors.
  • Crashes on launch or during use.
  • Issues with Bluetooth functionality.
  • Problems with signing in and password recognition.
  • Audio issues where users can't hear others and vice versa.
Most mentioned
  • App is not responding.
  • Crashing or instability.
  • Sign in problems with email and activation password.
  • Bluetooth issues affecting functionality.
  • Audio not working.
See reviews for Zoom for BlackBerry on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.90
All time rating average: 3.99
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67% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
Punam Punam
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Chukwudi Anene
This may be the most unstable app I have ever used. It keeps giving me "app not responding" and I have to click "wait" repeatedly just to read messages.
Azwan Abd Satar
Keep getting app is not responding but not actually crashes. My meetings still continue. Need to click wait as the alert blocking the screen.
Anupam Sharma
Response delay, app lags a lot, problems with notifications and updates.
Deepthika Rathwatte
Zoom has a very slow process.lt has to be streamlined and manipulated.Much more efficient service is desired.
Steve Levine
The other reviews sum it up well. Very buggy, especially with the phone calling itself on Bluetooth. When it works, it works fine. But it's rare when that happens.
Gary Jones
Great when it works. Two issues: Frequent "not responding" crashes as described by others. When connecting to Bluetooth and playing audio using another app (such as podcasts), device switches to being in a call with my own phone number. Force closing Zoom for BlackBerry fixes it every time. Seems to have begun with this latest update.
Victor Udoma
This app keeps crashing in recent months. I'm not finding it useful.
Chris Brown
Zoom is not responding. Zoom is not responding. Zoom is not responding. Edit: Seriously. I get this error even more often now than I did 7 months ago. This app is terrible and I have no idea how it has a 4.4 review average. I've used different phones and OS versions and experience the same behavior.
aisha mevada
It's very bad when I try to sign in and enter the password it shows wrong password even if it is correct
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