Reviews of First News

List of user reviews and ratings for First News

Total ratings

2.92 (Rating count: 1,362)

Review summary

  • Provides useful and needed information
  • Can be seen as an investment idea
  • Cannot be uninstalled easily or at all
  • Creates an extra lock screen that is intrusive
  • Causes device lag and slow performance
  • Automatically reinstalls after being uninstalled
  • Overreaches in data and permission access
Most mentioned
  • Inability to uninstall or remove the app
  • Intrusive nature with additional lock screens
  • Causes significant lag on devices
  • Automatically reinstalls itself
  • Unethical practices regarding user consent
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.00
All time rating average: 2.92
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Date Author Rating Comment
Kas Dewayne
I did not down load this app & now I'm being charged by law you can't charge someone if they did not agree to it trust me I know plus my tablet is new & is very slow & pages take for ever to open this app better be taken off cause I didn't down load it or agree to it or agree to give you all my info it better be taken off or I'll be contacting someone.... & don't tell be it can't be taken off that I have to disable it cause it can cause on line it says it can be taken off if contact the company
Carol McLeod
I don't want it, yet I can't delete it. I have disabled it, I don't use it I don't want it, it's pointless to have something taking up space and can't get rid of it. Some programs I understand have to be there to run the phone, but I don't need this to run my phone and so I should be able to delete not just disable it, just saying.
Unlisted Publication
I tried your suggestion and it doesn't get rid of this app. It is installed without my permission. And I will charge $30.00 a month storage fee, from time it was installed, for using up space on my device. If it is NOT removable/removed immediately. Don't use this, so don't need or want it on my device. Can't get rid of it.
Linda Palmer
If I could give a zero I would! This app is so aggravating it's the first thing that pops up on your screen and makes my tablet run slower, had to take it off, good luck with it of you choose it and downloaded it 🙄
Tiffany Shantell
All you have to do is go to app info and disable the app also go to permissions and switch it to not over all apps and it won't pop up there's no way to uninstall but that's the way to disable it and keep it off the lock screen
Barry Bones
This app fraudulently took over the screen BEFORE DOWNLOADING, which I NEVER INTENTED, THEN IT ERRONEOUSLY MISREPRESENTED THE UNINSTALL BUTTON AS "ENABLE". I HAD TO GO TO PLAY TO UNINSTALL. HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT, for sure!!! Now the button is "update", rather than install. Something is VERY WRONG???
Queen R.S
If I could I would give this app zero Stars this app was already downloaded on my tablet when I got it and it made my tablet super laggy so it's best to not get this app or just uninstalling it right away when you get a new device and this is already on cuz this app does not help at all and makes the device super laggy and it's basically just a second lock screen anyways that is all. Update: it won't stop reinstalling by itself!
Mystical Enchantments
The app developer overstepped with this app I'm a senior tech advisor and I can say for a fact this developer wants way too much access for one by being a pre-installed app to where even when you disable it it's almost impossible to stop them from accessing your data so the only way is to reconfigure the entire device and thank God it is an Android because it can be done by simple Google search as long as you own the device you just need to get it unbricked that way it does not belong to anyone
Kdell Jaws
I have seen a lot of shady practices on the internet and this one ranks right up there. Must be a middle eastern company that has a app that you can't uninstall. This app had some fake news and the games,. Which ate up most of the memory was so bottom of the pile. Avery shady to do business and when you complain the always have an answer. Email us. What the did is not against the law but is unethical. They do not deserve one star. Bad business buddie. Bad bad bad
Jennifer Pattee
This app takes over my home screen...I don't want to see negative news, every time I turn on my phone...but I don't have a choice because its an app that came with my phone....
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