Headlines Flamingo

Local & international news tailored to your preferences every day!

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 468)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Cannot uninstall from the device
    • Uses excessive battery and data
    • Forced installation on devices without user consent
    • Considered bloatware or adware
    • Invasive behavior by taking over phone functions
    Most mentioned
    • Forced installation
    • Cannot uninstall
    • Battery and data drain
    • Invasive notifications
    See reviews for Headlines Flamingo on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 2.20
    All time rating average: 4.50
    Upgrade to see all 29 reviews

    Rating filters

    5 star
    21% (6)
    4 star
    3% (1)
    3 star
    3% (1)
    2 star
    3% (1)
    1 star
    69% (20)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Reon Taylor
    KEEP NEWS ALIVE!!!....🙋🏽‍♂️🙏🏽🔒
    Jose Shmoe
    Ok love chopped Screw
    Sam Wedgeworth
    I use the Google headlines. Much easier to delete. Flamingo I never heard of so I don't bother with it. Not updating.
    jamie Slim
    people this is an app planted on your phone by someone tracking you it tell the person on the other end what your doing on your phone..
    Michael Kentros
    Annoying, keeps trying to take over ur phone. 5 min and still uninstalling. Wont uninstall still
    Sarah Senapi
    Bloatware. Uses your battery and Data to cover your lock screen with garbage articles and then causes lag
    Danny Gonzales
    I don't know yet
    Eric Pierce
    If you want to deal with the most execrable clickbait every time you look at the phone, this is the one. Came as un-uninstallable adware on my POS free phone plan, but can be disabled in settings.
    David Tracy
    Can't uninstall. Forced app that trashes phone. Fu_Q!
    This steals data and sellz it. makes phone slow
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