PorNo! Porn Blocker (Beta)

Beat porn. Redirect your temptations to wholesome and healthy outlets.

PorNo! Porn Blocker (Beta) - Your Wholesome Redirect

PorNo! Porn Blocker (Beta) is a unique app designed to assist users in overcoming porn addiction. Rather than simply blocking porn sites, it redirects users to inspiring and empowering websites. The app utilizes Accessibility services on Google Chrome and allows users to customize their redirect links, aiming to rewire mental pathways associated with porn. With ongoing updates and community contributions, PorNo! seeks to provide a comprehensive support tool for anyone looking to replace unwanted habits with healthier alternatives.
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App stats

Downloads: 404,516
Rating: 3.96
Version: 1.2 (Last updated: 2021-06-22)
Creation date: 2019-01-12
Full description: See detailed description


Other platforms

PorNo! Porn Blocker (Beta) (v0.0.1.905)
10,000 4.59 (75)
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful functionality, especially with the Chrome extension.
  • Smooth user interface and great design.
  • Helps users to block unwanted porn content.
  • Does not work on certain browsers like Brave app for Android.
  • Inconsistent performance when using VPN.
  • Lack of redirection options to non-internet apps.
Most mentioned
  • Does not work on Brave app for Android.
  • Works well on PC but has issues on mobile.
  • Positive feedback on the UI and overall design.
User reviews
I use Brave on my PC & my phone, the browser extension on the pc works well, as it should, but the app doesn't work on my phone. I really hope this gets fixed soon. Thank you anyway for making the app, you're doing a great thing!
by Beloit Sinclaire, 2023-01-23

by Qani.Mariana. Mukja, 2023-01-09
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