Berlin Subway U&S-Bahn map

U-Bahn and S-Bahn map with route planner and train times.

Total ratings

4.12 (Rating count: 1,137)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use for subway navigation
  • Helpful for first time travelers
  • Works perfectly in terms of functionality
  • Aids in navigating Berlin's public transport efficiently
  • Intrusive full screen ads, often video
  • Small font size making it hard to read
  • Lack of tram routes in the app
  • Does not provide comprehensive route options
Most mentioned
  • Ads are intrusive
  • Helpful for navigation
  • Lack of tram information
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Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.12
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Date Author Rating Comment
i can cope with small ads at the bottom of the screen but now random ads fill whole screen else you have to pay a monthly sub to remove them, I'm only in Berlin for a couple of days so why can I not pay a small 1 off fee to remove ads for a certain number of days.
Kirill Gagarski
The "official" map look and feel was much more convenient than a new one
Shaon Debnath
I am using this app for long time. But after last update, this app is not usable anymore. The font is so small, I can not read without too much zoom in. Please bring back the older representation of the map.
John Spanswick
I'm on the platform, and look at the app to check if I can get on the next train....then some stupid advert covers the screen. No obvious way to close it, and by the time I get rid of it, the train has gone. It could have been a good app. but instead is totally ridiculous.
Aseef Yousufi
The app works perfectly, but I hate the ads on the app appear up.
eric h
Easy to use for subway, but express train from airport is not included in the search
James Cope
Would be five stars, except for the very loud ads that play without warning. Quiet ads would fine for a free app, but it keeps blurting out loud noises.
Cody Pup
The full screen ads ruin an otherwise excellent application, they're much too intrusive
David Jacob
Get rid of those obnoxious adverts. I'm very close to uninstalling.
A Google user
Amazing app... Very helpful for first time travelers....
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