SpeedChecker Speed Test

Easy and accurate mobile and Wi-Fi SpeedTest up to 1 Gb/s. UK, USA and Worldwide

Total ratings

4.43 (Rating count: 141,291)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Accurate measurements of download and upload speeds
  • Minimal intrusive ads compared to other apps
  • Easy to use and provides clear results
  • Ability to choose servers worldwide
  • Consistent results and reliable performance
  • Intrusive background monitoring and alarms
  • Requires location access which some users find excessive
  • Some users report issues with not saving previous test results
  • Limited server availability in certain regions (e.g., southern hemisphere)
  • Ads can be too intrusive for some users
Most mentioned
  • Background monitoring causing alarm notifications
  • Location permissions required to run speed tests
  • Accurate speed measurements compared to other apps
  • Intrusive ads affecting user experience
  • Inconsistencies in reported speed results
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.43
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Date Author Rating Comment
Omi Biswas
Please release it for Android tv or Windows PC too so we can check our Ethernet/Wired speed and latency.
Oliver Davidson
Excellent app which gives accurate measurements of download and upload speeds as well as WiFi router speed when applicable. Also useful that it asks where the test is taking place, indoors or outdoors. Have verified results against another app and both seem great but this one's favourite.
Shaggy S
Very useful, reliable tool.
Kevin Alexander
I had an excellent experience with this app. Surprisingly little to no ads. Let's hope it stays that way! I recommend this!
Andrew Flatt
Find this excellent,loads of data and very precise
Been using this app for a few months now find it very accurate as measuring my poor BT supply
David Henderson
Very good app seems to be in line with bt speed test
Mick johnson
Brilliant app, I just had fibre optic broadband installed and went from around 45 mb/s to over 900 mb/s..!
David Tate
I honestly wanted to try this out, but your company are asking for way to much privacy, and to keep running location in the background, with no way of being allowed to only use while using the app. Sorry, but I don't think so.
Eliot Deag
Very useful, consistent speed checker that really shows the difference between poor BT speeds that we have put up with (Fibre to cabinet) v new Fibre to House. 10x faster at least, sometime even better! Great App.
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