Falling Fruit

Falling Fruit is a massive collaborative map of food in our cities.

Total ratings

3.17 (Rating count: 168)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Unique concept for urban foraging
  • Mobile-friendly interface compared to the website
  • Provides a platform for sharing local foraging locations
  • Potential for community engagement through user-generated content
  • Easy to use for adding found locations
  • Lacks basic functionality like filtering and editing pins
  • Difficult navigation due to cluster of markers on the map
  • Inability to upload images from the gallery
  • Limited search functionality leading to frustration
  • Overall outdated user interface and infrequent updates
Most mentioned
  • Need for better filtering options
  • Inability to display specific locations easily on the map
  • Desire for a profile or user account feature to enhance engagement and tracking
  • Need for an option to edit or delete pins after they are created
  • Difficulties with finding and navigating to specific plants or fruits
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.17
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mario Bošnjak
Wish there was a way to filter out all of the Dumpster markers which are all apparently from 2014 with the last update being on 2016. Wish more people actually used the app
Blake Blackstone
I love the concept but the app could use a lot of work. Cannot upload images from gallery. You have to physically be in front of the wild edible to snap a picture of it to upload the image. There's isn't any sort of profile system. Would be nice to have profiles so people can have images and maybe a counter for now many spots they have uploaded. Would be a good incentive for people to start sharing more spots because it's pretty bare. Hope this app improves and doesn't become stagnant.
Richard K.
extremely disappointed in this app. if you use it in map mode it's almost impossible to find anything because it's all clustered together in the city. If you use it in list mode you can find the plants you're looking for but there's no way to locate it on the map so both modes are almost completely useless.
Joe Quinn
It would be excellent if one thing were changed: when searching, you can't choose to return a range of results but must select a specific entry. For instance, if I want to find apple trees, I can't have it show me all apple trees together but must select from the 150+ varieties and display them one at a time.
David Fortney
Excellent work it's a good start I'll be adding locations as I find them. I can't seem to get focus in the tell us more section below. I know this is a first release one of the features I'd like to see is being able to add more than one picture at a time. And I'd like to be able to select the picture I've already taken. Instead of just being able to take a new picture with the camera. Excellent work keep going.
Sarah Bernsdorff
This is an incredible resource! However, there are some features I believe the app should consider adding: -Ability to delete/edit a pin you put up. I was out walking and it was hard to see my screen in the sun, so a pin I added was put in the wrong spot on the map. -I would love to be able to favorite pins. -I would love to have the map visible as I look at a pins details. -A feedback or reporting section within app so I don't have to use the reviews.
5 stars in the niche that it fills and 3 stars in execution. Could learn many things from adopting practices from inaturualist. To be honest inaturualist is still a wild west of people just accepting top suggestions with 1 subpar photo. This app appears to have a more knowledgeable base which can in part be attributed to a much narrower focus. If this app could gather multiple photos (or any) per observation it'd reign supreme..... for edibles. You can't search for what you're interested in
Alexis McCauslin
Great concept, app needs some work. Unlike the people wanting refunds, I actually would love to see a Patreon or GoFundMe to help get this thing up to snuff, I'd be happy to contribute to improvements. I.e. labels on dots in map view; being able to pull up the map point for a location selected in list view; option to use general fruit name rather than specific species and cultivar for filtering/creating locations; ability to remove old listings that are no longer there; custom filters
Benjamin Holme
The paid mobile app is worse than the free browser version. I'm in probably one of the best parts of the world for this thing, and I had to refund it. I downloaded in hopes of finding all the plum trees in the East Bay for a foraged jam-making event, but found the search far too specific (like, 10 cultivars of just the *European* plum, with no option to search a broader filter). Neither map nor list view has complete info, and they're impossible to cross-reference. I could go on...
Read Flusser
Great idea, Needs updating. Several missing features are mentioned in most reviews. But to add to those, app is also missing filters of all kinds. Would be nice to filter by recent (lots of trees/plants no longer exist due to development in the area, etc), by fruit type, by in season, etc. What's the use in sifting through tons of entries from 2012 for fruit trees that, even if they did exist, would not have fruit for 5 months.
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