Reviews of FloSports: Watch Live Sports

List of user reviews and ratings for FloSports: Watch Live Sports

Total ratings

3.37 (Rating count: 2,293)

Review summary

  • Better streaming quality than previous services like YouTube
  • Wide selection of sports content available
  • App provides access to exclusive events (if applicable)
  • Frequent technical issues and buffering during streams
  • Invasive and poorly timed advertisements
  • Difficulties with subscription management and customer service
Most mentioned
  • Technical difficulties during important game moments
  • Inappropriate ad placements during gameplay
  • Challenging user interface and subscription cancellation process
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 3.37
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64% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
Corey S
My daughter's conference switched to streaming with FloSports this year. We live in another state and cannot attend her basketball games so we rely on streaming. The quality is slightly better than what we had previously with YouTube streams - so that's the two stars. However we now have to deal with commercials popping up at inopportune times during play. We have also had the stream simply end during overtime play. Very frustrating.
Bill E
Absolutely horrible. Constant technical issues. Low home audio quality? Their response is to switch to an away stream or turn up the volume. You pay $150 for AHL, and the first thing you must watch is an ad. SERIOUSLY?!?!? I also find it odd how 2 weeks ago, the rating here was a 2.4, and now, it's a 3.8! Plants leaving high ratings so they can rip off more people? Hmmm... Nothing's fixed, so you decide. First and last time they get my money. AVOID!!!!!
Kelly Oyer
Every time we watch, there are technical difficulties. Also, the ads are horrendous and come on during game plays, and we miss at least 5 minutes of the game. I have reached out on the ads, and it still continues to happen. We have 3 paid for a year's accounts, and next time, we will probably see about different streaming abilities.
Jeffrey Zook
virtually impossible to unsubscribe. it's so easy on Roku on Android. you have to go through 50 steps and when you open up the app go to manage subscription. it just tell you when your prescription is to renew. it doesn't even give you option. when you type on subscription it just goes arrow to go back to the previous screen. you know that you want to make it difficult so you might just give up and pay another month. they're ridiculous. rates $30 for one month, really?
Worst broadcasts I've ever seen, very amateur. Stuttering feed, skips around, watched an ad two and a half times in a row before I realized it was stuck replaying the same 15 seconds over and over, skipped ahead to live and it just replayed the ad again. Eventually got it to finally go back to live after missing a few minutes and was too scared to go back in case it did it again. Oh AND the audio kept glitching out and de-syncing on mobile. WAY too expensive for an EXTREMELY shoddy product.
Tom Guerin
Absolutely bare bones streaming service. I'd give it 3/5 but a pre-roll ad on an event that has already started is unacceptable. Worse, you can't rewind to catch what you missed while the ad was running, let alone live or VOD/DVR. is Further, an option to lower the resolution is desperately needed for mobile use. Really, the only reason to use Flo is if they have exclusive rights to one of your teams.
Chris Jackson (Chris Jackson Media)
Awful. You pay a ton of money to still see an ad in the beginning. AND THE STREAMING?! CONSTANT technical issues. I watch AHL, and at least twice per game (usually more), the game freezes and completely exits out of the app. Not only that, but the app pops up with "we're having technical issues with the stream" (paraphrasing), especially during important plays or replays where you need to see different angles and slow motion. *FloSports, PLEASE WORK ON FIXING THIS. WE ALL PAY GOOD MONEY.*
Mark B
Not expecting major network broadcast quality, but the quality of the college soccer broadcasts are often very poor. In one case, it looked it was being filmed from an old phone from the sidelines. Even if the school staff is doing the broadcast, one would think the school would want to show it’s capable of doing a presentable job.
Cory Walton
Good app. Has a lot of content. I watch a lot of dirt track racing, and Flo offers a lot. It would have gotten 5 stars, but I can not deal with some of the races having "in studio" breaks talking about the racing. As well as a 4:30 pm start time for a race night, only to have the first 2 hours of people just talking in a studio about stuff I already know! I don't need their take on it. I just want to watch a race!
Arthur Cardenas
Good video quality and sound but buffers during the show that was DCI. No buffering during ads or when 1 camera is filming or interviews. But once you go multicam and beyond, rebuffers every 3-4 minutes so could not watch 1 13 minute drum and bugle corps show and there were 25 corps. We tried the Satellite, then our tower, then hot spot of 2 phones and still the same. So we determined it's Flo not us! We should have went to Indy...
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