Reviews of Khmer eTV

List of user reviews and ratings for Khmer eTV

Total ratings

4.54 (Rating count: 909)

Review summary

  • Great stream speed with many available channels
  • App is appreciated for efforts in serving the Cambodian people
  • Good selection of channels
  • Too many advertisements
  • App does not work properly for some users
  • Some channels, like MYTV and CNC, are not accessible
  • App works slowly on some channels
  • Issues with landscape view not available on TV boxes
Most mentioned
  • Advertisement issues
  • Functionality problems with certain channels
  • App performance and speed
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.54
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Rating filters

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35% (7)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Naroath Theam run
Why TV5 is different?
Raksa Raksa
Hi I want you to be fix MYTV because there is ហង្សមាស Tv of being live stream on mytv so I want to ask you out why MYTV not broadcast itself but being instead of being which has been broadcasted ហង្សមាសTv of live stream on MYTV so fix this problem
Vann NakSoLo
Thank you so much
sambora sam
To much advertisement
Doesn't work
Leang Dara
Thank so much for your kind effort for creating new program to Cambodia people.💖💖💖
Rathchakra Soun
Thank you brother you are the best person God bless you all everything you do for us for our people for this country😘
Keo Sitha
Most channel work except CNC? Is it only me or everybody else?
Best Spotasia
Useless app... Don't download too many ads and not working.
Chhorda Chhay
Great stream speed with many available channels!
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