Time Warp Scan - Face Scan

Trendy TikTok time warp scan funny filter app brings you unique photos & videos.

Total ratings

4.55 (Rating count: 21,721)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and entertaining for creating funny content
  • Easy to use and figure out
  • Good for kids and casual use
  • Creative scanning options
  • Provides joy and laughter when bored
  • Too many ads that interrupt usage
  • Recent changes made the app paid with in-app purchases
  • Limited features without payment
  • Technical issues when trying to access the app
  • Lack of filter options
Most mentioned
  • Excessive ads
  • Fun for creating and sharing content
  • Paywall for additional features
  • Technical issues and slow app entry
  • Great for kids and casual fun
See reviews for Time Warp Scan - Face Scan on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.55
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Rating filters

5 star
57% (21)
4 star
16% (6)
3 star
5% (2)
2 star
1 star
22% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Hamza Haka
Very good app! Get for when im bored
Abdulhashim Abulkasim
You can just to everyone is so fun is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really fun really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really fun bro this is so fun I never see this in my life yeah I like this guys make me happy like and subscribe okay guys I got YouTube channel like and subscribe right now my YouTube channel name
Trista McCright
Way too many ads! Seriously, ten ads in a row? So annoying, it gets one star.
Rajendran K
It's a good place for the summer but the weather will look like you have ever seen the most beautiful weather around here and its pretty cold here 😍 and KIND hearted ARTISTS in
Best time warp scan and more bruh
Jaxson Rowlands
it use to be free now it is pay to use. like this sucks. imagine that one of your favorite apps deleted its self and then asks you to pay money to use it. that is just crazy.
Theodore Vasilopoulos (Ted)
This isn't free with "in-app purchases", this is a 3-day trial and it shows ads before even using it for the first time
Oleksandr Barannikov
Does not allow to change scan direction
Credo Trom
Really great to use and has a Lil problem with ads but otherwise it's not a problem
Gia Alvarado
There aren't many things you can do but it's very fun to mess around with when your bored. It's pretty entertainining, that's quite enough for me. It's really simple to figure out and get used to. But there are a lot of ads and it gets annoying. 4 stars, it's still a pretty good app.
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