Sudoku Ultimate Offline puzzle

The Offline Version of Sudoku classic puzzle game without advertisements.

Total ratings

4.77 (Rating count: 8,976)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • No ads for a paid app for uninterrupted gameplay
  • Multiple difficulty levels with a good number of puzzles
  • Works offline, making it convenient to play anywhere
  • User-friendly with options for hints and easy note-taking functionality
  • Good design features for casual play and practice
  • Some puzzles are reported to be unsolvable due to glitches
  • Many puzzles at higher levels may be too similar or the same puzzle rotated, reducing challenge
  • Bright color scheme criticized; lack of a dark mode noted by several users
  • Basic interface design feels outdated and could benefit from modernization
  • Undo function limited to recent obvious mistakes, frustrating for users
Most mentioned
  • Lack of dark mode option
  • Repetitive puzzles across difficulty levels
  • No ads making it enjoyable and easier to focus on solving
  • Good variety of difficulty levels available
  • Glitches with specific puzzles leading to unsolvable situations
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.77
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13% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Dan Burke
I wish it had a dark mode. Otherwise, excellent game with set puzzles and endless randomly generated ones. Works offline.
Elizabeth Mestelle
No ads. Good levels of difficulty. Good number of puzzles. Easy quick app to kill time when I have to wait for something. Loads quickly, and has no distracting ads or art - no gimmicks, just Sudoku number puzzles to solve at multiple levels of difficulty...
Petite Souris
I've really loved the game and the layout, but the new color format feels really bright. Would there be any possible way for an option to return to the darker buttons, Jincy? Thanks!
Ana Christie
I needed some brain games to help years after a TBI. Almost all the other games have a timer that I couldn't turn off and it made me feel very discouraged. This one does still gave a timer but it doesn't show in game if you untick it. Best Feature! Loads of different difficulties also.
Laura Collins
The second game is completely glitched and wrong, it can't be completed as the numbers are situated incorrectly
Love these. This Sudoku game is fun, relaxing, challenging. Great way to while away a few minutes, or hours! 😉
Kent Nelson
Within the "very hard" level it appears that everyone of the 250 games is the same, just oriented differently. If you have solved one you have solved them all. Haven't looked at the other levels close enough to see if the same is true at those levels.
Aneet Kumar
What I love about this app is no connectivity is needed to play and no ads to worry about. Just a straight forward sudoku game to enjoy. Awesome app.
Mike Pascoe
Just started playing Sudoku to keep the old grey matter active; and I am finding this very easy to use, putting possible solutions in the squares, etc. I find it easier to use than a paper based puzzle. Leo up the good work!
Ann Clark
I like that there are a variety of skill levels, good hints when stuck, etc.
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