Awesome Devil: Idle RPG!

The Legends of the Awesome Devil begin!

Total ratings

3.81 (Rating count: 6,605)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great art style and graphics
  • Engaging gameplay mechanics
  • Good gear and upgrade systems
  • Potential for fun with improvements
  • Simple, yet detailed game structure
  • Frequent crashes and bugs
  • Autosave feature does not work as intended
  • Lag and performance issues
  • Forced ads with no exit option
  • Progress loss after viewing ads
Most mentioned
  • Autosave issues leading to lost progress
  • Frequent crashes and lag
  • Dependence on ads for gameplay
  • Bugs preventing quest completion
  • General dissatisfaction with server stability
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.81
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52% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Shanna Gordon
My game always stuck in the beginning and try over and over but still the same please fix until then I will uninstall it
Its great,I like the artstyle but the problem for me is that when there's ads, there's no exit button.And whenever I change stage,the exit won't work,so I have to close and open the game
Morten Helsinghof
This is really a great game, I paid for the non advertisement and I literally have a game i can enjoy for hours... but, the game never save.. and the manual save doesn't quite work either. so I keep going backwards even after putting hours of time into it. so, I'm putting this on the shelf.. If I knew this problem existed I wouldn't have paid anything. too buggy to play. damn
sam moya
It's a great game, I love the gear system, and the graphics. But most recently the game had been crashing multiple times, even after I clear the cache and check for updates. Please fix this problem as soon as possible.
Jeffrey Hejny
Crashes after every viewing of an advertisement. Without an auto save feature, this is damning to the games enjoyment. Even with an auto save feature, this would be annoying. Edit: I don't get credit for viewing the advertisements either. If zero stars were possible, I'd rate it below zero.
Phil Ward
If you love games where the whole point is to clear the dots, you'll love this game! Mixed into the dot clearing, you get to upgrade a few things and watch some great graphics of your toon swiping at stuff but otherwise, the whole name of the game is to clear those dots! And there's a dot for everything! There's even dots for things that don't even add value or make sense to what you're supposed to do! "We need more dots!" The developers said. So they added more!
Skylin Dunao
Not a perfect game but it's most definitely not the worst only thing I can really complain about is there are missions in game to watch ads but for one reason or another I can't access any and there's no alternative like spending a couple of minutes looking at a premade animation or something. Otherwise pretty fun game
Christina Reid
Really enjoying this new simple, yet detailed, game. It's really fun! There are a couple bugs here and there, which is causing some negativity in game chat. The main issue is that autosave doesn't work, but it's easy to get around that by manually saving. I hope the game continues to grow with new features and events!
Shaun Simon
Fairly decent idle game, terrible server support causing you to constantly lose progress if your not saving after everything you do. About to find out how good the support team is after losing a purchase made during a progress loss...
Sunstone Dragon
Edited to one star. The potential is there. However the rollbacks are terrible. I played for a few hours while working and lost ALL that progress. Went from 900A power to 300A Lost all the weapons, necklaces,etc. All my stage progress gone, had all stars up to 110. Had 120 stage unlocked... All that GONE. Ign: Ravage
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