OBD2 Car Wizard Pro

View OBD car data, customize dashboards & gauges from the WatchMaker team!

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3.83 (Rating count: 252)
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Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.83
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Date Author Rating Comment
Andre Alback
I use the app with my 300C + Vgate vLinker and it works without any problems. Since I like to dabble with graphical art myself, I also create my own gauges which this app is great for. It is easy to import your own graphical parts to build a gauge or dashboard. Setting up a gauge from scratch is also a breeze with this app. No issues so far.
william smillie
Excellent keep up the great work
Randy Brown-Brown
No longer connects to my Veespeak OBD II
Dilip Kumar.V
The app connects to my 2010 Toyota Fortuner but rpm and everything shown is wrong.. For example, when engine is in idle rpm shows 8200 and speed of 70km
Sean Higgins
Bummer that the app wouldn't connect to my OBD2 adapter even with the latest update, even after I paid for the ad-free version. I sent an email to the admin a month or two ago, but I never got a response. Too bad because it's got cool dashboards and displays. Would have been fun way to let my kids learn some automotive terms and the real-time correlation/relationship between the app gauges and the car IRL.
Kaidal Ben
How to select protocol and mode?.. is there a tutorial
Zero Cool
Used to be something better, but was last updated November of 2017. What happened y'all!? It's alright though. I don't have a car anymore. And while I'm grateful to have health insurance and a job working 40-60 hours a week, wages are such a joke I can't even afford co-pays and am literally just waiting to die. I know that's pretty grim but there's probably hundreds of millions of people out there even worse off than me. Well, thanks for the joy I got from your app when I had a vehicle! 🛣️
Hilal Al-maawali
Alot of issues.. Disconnection and frrezes
Dan Soethe
Still, No EV / hybrid settings (pids), I have a chevy volt, there's no RPM, 0 Liters. I have drive battery and a gas tank... I don't know what OBD parameters EVs have. None are listed.
Grizzly Kt
hi are you still working on this app for updates and would you be able to link to watchmaker or a watch face please thank you for your help regards Paul great app
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