Mini GOLF Tour: Clash & Battle

Play clash golf games! Win rival in mini golf battle & be a star of golf blitz!

Total ratings

4.48 (Rating count: 15,550)

Review summary

  • Fun and competitive gameplay
  • Decent mix of easy and challenging holes
  • Great graphics and special effects
  • No forced ads during gameplay
  • Creative ways to win and achievements to unlock
  • Frustrating chest mechanics and long waiting times to open chests
  • Repetitive courses after reaching a high level
  • Glitches affecting gameplay, especially in later tours
  • Difficult control mechanics when aiming shots
  • Limited progression once max levels are reached
Most mentioned
  • Need for new levels or content
  • Issues with chest slots and waiting times
  • Glitches and bugs affecting gameplay
  • Repetitive courses and lack of variety
  • Confusion over bot opponents and their behavior
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.48
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Date Author Rating Comment
Tried this again and it was entertaining up until level 8. The game mechanics don't make for much fun when the courses are longer. Too many places to get hung up on. There are way too many holes with issues. More time should be placed on making courses that can be completed in 5 strokes instead of having par 10 holes that lead to too many people getting hung up at the beginning. It's mini golf, not marathon golf :(
Anna U
Update: I don't seem to hit the deadlines anymore, so I'm going to 4 stars. It would be nice to have updates and more levels. Any chance new levels will be added? For the most part i enjoy it. But there are too many dead zones. Your ball will go into a spot that it doesn't reset from and you lose that hole.
Stephen “Steve” Beller
Game play is good, has a decent mix of easy, hard and extreme holes. However there are only four slots for chests which can take up to 12 hours to open without ads or gems, which gets to the main reason for only 3 stars. Need more chest slots, or drastically reduce the number of ads needed to open a chest. Need instructions that tell what it takes to get the more valuable chests
Elaine White
Can we get a new level. I did try the new golf game, but i like this one much better but have been on the highest level for a long time now. A new level would be awesome! Also, thank you for adding ads to open chest This is a cool game to pass the time. It would be nice if you had another option as watching an ad to open your chest sooner instead of going through your gems, but that's not a game breaker. Hopefully, new levels will continue to be added
Ciance A
Exceptional Game! However, I have maxed out on everything - levels, chests, balls, avatars. There is nothing more to achieve but to just play on and win and run up the score. There could be more levels to play. More balls but with characteristics assigned like a ball that could go through barriers once a defined elite status is achieved, or a ball that can send opponents ball where they don't intend it to go if you aim and hit it (like billiards, croquet). Otherwise, luv the game!!!
Justin Bartholomew
This game is surprisingly solid, with no forced ads at all, although the physics are sometimes janky. However, only being able to have 4 chests at one time, with only one counting time down until available, is super frustrating. For improvements, I would love to have a reset button, extra chest slots as you level up, map ratings (1-5 stars), offline practice, win/loss records for each tour, the tally of each position you finished in, and player levels and W/L records shown in matches.
Im back w/more hopefully u had a chance to see the past review k time but the graphics are far out u think they the best in its class type thing hands down they r really cool the drop offs to the unseen endless bottomless pit is crazy the special effects like flags in the wind it gives 3d typa feel its pretty rad. I do have bad feelin tho the levels r repeating too much Im not completely positive havent tested but its deal broker if its like the other similar like this paywalled to do anything
The Truth
It's a fun game, but... The 5 hour boxes are dumb & useless after a couple of weeks playing the game, and it fills the slots up, and then they give you an 8 -or 12 hr box, but the slots are filled. After a while, they never give you anything of use even in the 12hr box, and once you buy the cake, there's no other reason to play. Also, once you open all levels, you only get the same levels to play on every game. And alot of the legendary items never get filled.The game could be extremely fun tho.
Heather Sayler
Love this game. I really haven't experienced too many glitches. I have gone against the bots and beat them myself, but what I love about this game is the new creative ways you can win. It took me about 4-6 months to conquer the games achievements without paying. I do wish you could determine who is real and who is not. Or a way to connect with other players for a one on one. That would be fun. -Oniko PS- take the take to figure out the short cuts in each level and you'll have more fun!
Bruno Suatoni
The game is really fun, but I've reached the end of tour 10, and that's it. No new levels or tours, opponents act weird, like they're bots, I've got more than half million coins but, regardless how many dozens of chests of various type I open, I can't collect the last few items that I'm missing, it will give me stuff I already have. I've sent a message to the developer to point the issue, he never replied. Is this the end of the game? Just let me know, please, is getting boring. Thanks, Bruno
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