PST: Pot ob zici

Uradna aplikacija dogodka Pot ob žici.

PST: Pot ob žici - Uradna Aplikacija

PST: Pot ob žici is the official app for the renowned Pot ob žici event, a recreational hike that commemorates the post-war era surrounding Ljubljana. This yearly event, held in early May, invites over 30,000 participants of all ages to complete a 32.5 km course with eight checkpoints. Participants can walk the route at their own pace, collecting stamps at checkpoints for special rewards. The app helps users track progress and collect stamps, promoting an active lifestyle while enjoying the historic significance of the trail.
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App stats

Downloads: 11,177
Version: 2.3.4 (Last updated: 2024-04-30)
Creation date: 2018-05-04
Full description: See detailed description

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User reviews

Fina aplikacija. QR kode skenira superhitro. Skoda ker ne belezi casa skeniranja. Krog zakljuci 1 KT prezgodaj.
by Spela Golias, 2021-05-08

GDPR not compliant
by Ziga z, 2020-05-09
View all user reviews

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