Video maker with photo & music

photo & video editor with special effects,filters,music,and more.

Total ratings

4.16 (Rating count: 888)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • Good for short videos
  • Provides effects and filters
  • Allows for creative video making
  • Intrusive ads
  • Poor audio quality
  • Limited video recording time
  • Frequent freezing or crashing
  • Slow video upload times
Most mentioned
  • Need for fewer ads
  • Desire for more features similar to TikTok
  • Issues with video saving and freezing
  • Request for HD options
  • Positive overall user experience
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.16
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Date Author Rating Comment
Louis Christian Soriano
Ads are very intrusive compared to other vid editors that I used to the point its annoying, audio quality of the final product is also very bad
Kamala Mukhia
When i was about to install this app i was watching others feedback 😚 I was thinking that is this really that much worseπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ but still i install it and i found it really very much better 😜 this app is really πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ so i would like to say that don't judge the book by its cover 😏😏 first read it out😁 and make your own experience πŸ˜‹
Md.Khokan Howlader
Please add HD 4k camera with galary music add 15 second 30sec and 60 second. Such as tiktok Likee . So will be better and wonderful app.
Purnima Bhatt
Best for shot video upto 1min love it Even it has video edit with songs and also have effects and filters but they need to be better but this is an amazing app Hipe the developers will improveit
If you're fast enough and after knowing what kind of applications you want to include on the video maker you have to click fast cause it'll spaz out and won't be able to load something and start you over at the image selection. Great for collage slide shows it's great but super annoying take extra hour trying to get it together cause the app wants to spaz out.
Nice app very easy to use, but if I could use more glitch effects when editing a slideshow, would be great, but otherwise love this app.
Isna Iqbal
OK. This app is very good but not nice. Because it not give our to take videos for long time because it has a timer so we can't make long videos. So, please make one mode also to make long videos
It a very wonderful app ,very reliable and self if I have my way I will give u guys 10 stars..
BEST FAME EVER I PROMISE THIS WILL NOT BE A MISTAKE TO DOWNLOAD!! it's really cool and all that but can you please fix the speech of how you could maybe make it lo her and so the words aren't cut out and then it's on the next sentence but that's all thanks great game πŸ‘ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ 4 and a half if I could 😊
Richa Bhange
Nice app because I was missing tik tok its band but no problem we have short video maker it's a good app
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