Din TV-guide

Your guide to this week's TV shows - 200 channels, reminders and favourites!

Total ratings

2.00 (Rating count: 3,330)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Nice TV guide with helpful extra features
  • Category filter appreciated
  • Informative and easy to use
  • Possibility to buy an ad-free version
  • Excessive ads, making the app frustrating to use
  • Ads cover the entire screen
  • Waiting for ads before accessing content
Most mentioned
  • Need for an ad-free version
  • Ads disrupting user experience
  • General appreciation for the app's functionality
See reviews for Din TV-guide on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 2.00
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Rating filters

5 star
12% (2)
4 star
29% (5)
3 star
12% (2)
2 star
12% (2)
1 star
35% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Mikael Nilsson
It was really good. But now it shows an ad in the beginning and then.....nothing more. I waited for a minute but could not get passed the ad. At the moment its useless unless you want an app that shows one ad!
A Google user
Good, but it now forces me to wait a few seconds for an advert to finish before showing me the content I am after. There are other apps that shows adverts BETWEEN bits of useful content. Sorry I am uninstalling.
A Google user
This is a really nice TV guide with helpful extra features. I especially appreciate the category filter. Even though I understand the need for ads I think it's a bit much which miss a perfect 5 star. Possibility to buy an ad free app is a plus which I may do after a little more evaluation.
A Google user
Påminnelser slutade att fungera efter att jag uppgraderade till Android 8.1. Finns ingen inställning för att stänga av vibration eller ändra notifikationsljud.
A Google user
En betalversion tack. Så att man slipper all %:$_%@# reklam.
A Google user
-att man inte kan swipa mellan kanalerna! -att det är STORA ads överallt!
A Google user
Bra app men reklamen är väldigt jobbig. Släpp en betalversion av appen.
A Google user
Jobbigt mkt reklam
A Google user
A Google user
Ännu bättre när jag kan köpa en reklamfri version..då blir det en femma
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