Yandex Navigator

Yandex Navigator helps you find routes through traffic.

Total ratings

4.48 (Rating count: 2,343,248)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good graphics and clear road view
  • Offers offline maps and accurate speed camera warnings
  • Minimalist and well-optimized user interface
  • Detailed traffic information and accurate timelines
  • Long-term user satisfaction reported (over 10 years)
  • Frequent bugs and crashes reported
  • Outdated maps and inaccurate routing issues
  • User interface can be awkward and clumsy to navigate
  • Lack of some expected features (e.g., Android Auto compatibility, color customization for routes)
  • Insufficient customer support and issue resolution
Most mentioned
  • Routing to toll roads despite settings
  • Outdated map data in certain regions
  • Navigation cursor and routing accuracy issues
  • Awkward interface and navigation experience
  • Problems with voice navigation clarity and responsiveness
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.48
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39% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Good driving aid but it's a bit clumbersome until you get used to it. The graphics are good and clear but I find the interface to be awkward and I keep having to go back to the beginning every time I change something. Might be me not having the knack of it yet. Time will tell. But try it yourself and see what you think of it.
Erim Ozduzgoren
there is gray lines and I don't know what Grey is, ... Yandex team thank you for your assistance/ reply. Now it is clear.
Ismail Esmen
Always directs to toll roads although you avoid them in the settings😡 For the second time it changes route to most expensive bridge in the alternatives. You have all the data you need, DO NOT act like you don't know anything.
Mat Sticker
Outdated map route. Some road has been established since 2021 but still not on the map route
Excellent app ... Clear road view ... Background voice navigation ... Offline maps storages ... Actual speed camera & bumps warnings ... And many more great features ! However, some more features like Android Auto compatibility for calls, messages and podcast player options within navigation would be greatly appreciated ... So that we can use additional features without leaving navigation Thanks for the great app !
Саид Надиров
I'm from Tajikistan and this app is working great here. This app is more correct than Google Maps. About UI, that's very cool because of minimalism and optimization.
Antrius Resius
You cannot change the route color, to any color you prefer, from Settings and by using a color palette. Thus they use grey color, which is the same color as roads, thus you cannot distinguish the route color from the roads itself. This is really very dangerous mistake, since the user cannot distinguish the navigation route from the actual map on thecroad, thus I hope you correct it.
Man Soor
App does not function well. Mine also looks nothing as cool as the one being advertised here. Besides bugs Police radar app would not show the activity near me ( police cars etc).
Karen Sardaryan
Android auto does not work after last update
Kaan Goker
Happy user for 10+ years but app needs one fix: When you're driving on the highway, it wants you to use access roads, parallel roads all the time even though highway itself is empty and green.. Unnecessary notifications and directions all the time when you should really have to just follow the highway..
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