Image Toolbox - Edit & Convert

Filter, Resize, Compare, Crop - do anything with your images

Total ratings

4.67 (Rating count: 3,695)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Feature-rich with a variety of editing tools
  • Open source and free to use
  • User-friendly UI and high customization
  • Great for resizing and converting images
  • Supports preserving original EXIF data
  • Performance hiccups, especially when drawing
  • UI can sometimes be unsmooth or confusing
  • Missing some previously available features, like converting webp to gif
  • Some users found difficulty in locating images within the app
Most mentioned
  • The app's extensive features and customization options
  • Performance issues or hiccups
  • Open source nature and free availability
  • User interface quality and usability problems
  • Missing features compared to previous versions
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.67
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82% (32)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Brian Andrews
This app is bad to the bone. So many features it's unbelievable. Resizing is only the beginning. A true gem.
Ayush Joshi
Didn't expect an Open Source app to be this feature rich. All the tools are great, and sometimes very useful. Thanks for developing such a nice app ๐Ÿ˜Š
Nick Allen
one of the best image editing apps out there! it has many different options on how to edit the composition of the image. download this app you won't regret it.
Marcus Morris
i was looking for an app to reduce the obvious digitally generated looking in ai generated images to give them more subtle texture/noise so they look more natural and lifelike. This app far exceeded my expectations and is by far the best image editing app, for ANY use case. It has a TON of features so may be a bit of a learning curve but absolutely worth learning. It even allows to preserve original exif data, save in almost any file format, and for free with no ads (but i'd use even with ads)
Tanbhir Tahmid
great app but it has performance issues and the ui doesn't feel much smooth in some cases
hozefa Kb
How does this app work?? edit, For what reason was the share button disabled? Later saw the "save" button, it was not visible before
bob quince
I love to create images, both graphic and AI and run them through toolbox.
Luke Bezzina
An incredible amount of features packed into one app, offers lots of control and customisation. Feels too good to be free. Five stars.
Ahmed Qais
Best photo editing app ever. However, there are some performance hiccups in the app especially when drawing, it would be great if it was smoother.
why did you remove the option to convert webp to gif? that option was what made this 'the toolbox' now it's just an edit app like the others
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