Learn Italian with flashcards!

The Italian vocabulary builder you needed. Italiano learning app for beginners.

Total ratings

4.59 (Rating count: 780)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface
  • Wide variety of vocabulary and categories
  • Effective for learning with features like spaced repetition and example sentences
  • No ads in the free version
  • Ability to add custom words and create lists
  • In-app purchases and limited free access (e.g., 5 words per day)
  • Concerns about data privacy and unclear data policies
  • Audio quality issues
  • Lack of phrases and lagging behind on teaching irregular verbs
  • Cannot separate learning and reviewing words effectively in the unpaid version
Most mentioned
  • User-friendly interface
  • Variety of vocabulary and categories
  • Concerns about data privacy
  • Spaced repetition for effective learning
  • Limitations of the free version
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.59
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Date Author Rating Comment
Andrew Condon
My favorite of all the language apps I've tried. Great interface with good variety.
Michael Car****
OHH, COME ON! Really?! Ads I could tolerate; I could even handle in-app purchases for some of the best things that are offered. But you are unclear on how much of MY information you are—for all I know—selling for a premium price without so much as a tiny bit of conscience. And yeah, you state that we can "Request" that our sensitive data would be deleted, but that's the same as the fact that I can ASK for a Ferrari all day for a decade but I'll NEVER get one. STOP! YOU HAVE NO REASON FOR DATA!
Ambrose Dugas
really helpful app for learning volcabulary. I use it in combination with a few others.
Sean Dunn
Perfect for what I was looking for: a flashcard app that covers 5,000+ Italian words, with a lot of them grouped into categories. I was impressed with the completeness of the product... each word has a few examples of it being used, with an option to hear it spoken. If you're trying to deepen your understanding of Italian vocabulary, the $8 is money well spent!
Chris Lahair
I've no words to describe this app, the app is just the best. I made myself a challenge to learn one language in 7 days and I chose Italian but I didn't where to get the vocabularies I'd need so I encountered this app here and unbelievably it provided me with everything I needed and I made it on time 7 days period I was speaking Italian I didn't memorize everything but the least I could was enough to make me conversational and understand the natives so thanks for making this app it is incredible
Kyle Ringger
Very clean app. Very slick and easy. Love the swiping of cards and the review section. Ended up buying the lifetime option after trying it out for free for only 5 minutes.
Blake Morris
Really good app. A few features that I would like to see: - Randomised order of cards (this really should be an option already) - Adding notes to words (this could be part of the 'edit word' feature) - An option to mark words as correct when a small typo is made, similar to if you miss an accent. Maybe if the edit distance is one or two it can be accepted :) - For the multiple choice exercise, I would like to have all the choices optionally be from the same category as the word.
I absolutely love this app! It's got all the features I personally need in order to learn words. I'm currently studying the top 2000 words section first because there's a variety of words in different difficulties - I get bored studying by sections, but that's just me. The best feature is that when learning words, you can actually see them in sentences so you know how to use them. Reword is my number 1 app for learning Italian, and I would recommend it to anyone!
Gloria Ikechukwu
The is by far THE BEST flashcard app to learn and review Italian words EVER!! The FREE VERSION has LIMITED words by day, but it's AD-FREE which is very cool! So I totally recommend. KNOW HOWEVER that you CANNOT learn Italian JUST with this app, so it should be to supplement to a course you're taking and also listening to Italian podcasts or stories and watching movies to improve your listening and speaking.
Sander Buruma
I love this app because I can conveniently learn new words quite efficienctly in any idle moment. The nature of the flash card logic makes it so you see words more often the more you tell the app that you didn't remember it. So it doesn't waste my time with words I already know. I only wish it would teach irregular verbs better because right now you learn almost nothing about the irregularities even of extremely common irregular verbs like essere, stare, sapere and avere.
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