Cat Breed Auto Identify Photo

Automatic Identification breed of a cat in a photo from gallery or camera

Total ratings

2.57 (Rating count: 267)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • No ads
  • Can be fun
  • Fails to identify cats
  • Gives inconsistent results
  • Says something is not a cat even when it is
Most mentioned
  • Doesn't work
  • Inaccurate identification
  • Not worth the time
See reviews for Cat Breed Auto Identify Photo on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 2.57
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53% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Imran Khan
Don't work just keeps giving new cat breed every time for the same cat
Bopiang Foxx
Most useless one out there, it fail to identify even a google picture haha. And guess what, same cat give diff result in diff photo hahaha
maaz the pro cool
I will try and make a few tweaks for me if I need anything from my own business and if I need more than to make sure I'm in a better shape and will get it done and you are not the one that is the first time that you want it done for the next year so you will need it in
Loraine Forbes
Cool app, I didn't even get any ads. Would recommend (I'm not a bot)
little tigers of karimnagar knr
Not used
Harmony Lyn
Said my cat wasn't a cat
Amanda Robertson
Didn't work at all.
I used the app I took a picture of my cat kitty purry it said no cat found even tough she is lying down on the couch
Edmunds Fam
Didn't work... Stated "no any cat" when i took a clear picture of my cat so waste of time.
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