Share Contacts: Text, VCF, CSV

Export contacts as text, VCF or CSV. Send them to any app or create a backup

Total ratings

3.71 (Rating count: 3,466)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and effective for sharing individual contacts
  • Allows sharing via multiple platforms like WhatsApp, email, SMS
  • Useful for exporting selected contacts easily
  • Works well for users with a lot of contacts
  • Limits sharing to a maximum of 100 contacts in the free version
  • Cannot share entire groups of contacts, only individual ones
  • App sends contacts as text rather than a saveable format
  • Recent updates included unnecessary information when sharing
Most mentioned
  • Limit on the number of contacts shared in free version
  • Inability to share groups of contacts
  • App performance issues when trying to share via WhatsApp
  • Inconvenience of sending contacts as text instead of a direct save option
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.71
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29% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Anjum Ul Azim
Alfter the selection of all the contact picking things one by one it says can't share more than 100 contacts in free version. Couldn't it say this before as I wasted my 20 minutes selecting those contacts.
Ali K
I have installed and selected option "select all" but a message popped up that only 100 contact selected in free version. Waste of time.
Lava Z1
Extremely worst can't send above 100 contacts 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 report this worst useless app as much as you can we don't need useless junk apps like this shame on you money hungry worst trash developer lots of hate for wasting my time 👎👎👎👎👎
Daniel McDermott
Very good app. Works well. I would purchase the premium version but not interested in an ongoing subscription.
Jthub Designs
I love the old version rathe than this premium paid. I don't have enough cash It will be preferable if I can get the older version pls
Ken LaVoie
I have over 700 contacts, and I need to be able to share groups of contacts which I already have set up. This does not allow me to access the groups, only individual contacts apparently. (I did NOT receive your correspondence by email) UPD: I cannot cannot cannot receive your emails. I've checked my spam filter, etc. PLEASE can you just reply on this review??
Vaibhav Pratihar
This app is perfect if you want to export selected contacts. Served my use case perfectly well.
Joseph Mkalla
The July update added info that I don't require when sharing the contact with a friend. What I need is just the names and phone numbers
Laxmi Valluri
It's a very very helpful for contacts sharing app I have a 16000 numbers and it's very easy transfer app good luck
K Michael
Perfect way to share contacts. I like that I can also share the info in plain text in an email or sms. I'm not interested in sending something that has to be imported every time. I use it often to grab a phone num or address.
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