Second World War

Real time strategy game about WW2

Total ratings

4.56 (Rating count: 23,298)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good graphics and character performance
  • Interesting gameplay and mechanics
  • Diverse historical units and factions
  • Addictive gameplay
  • Matchmaking issues in multiplayer, leading to unbalanced matches
  • Frequent lag and crashes
  • Poor customer service and unresponsive support
  • Difficulties with base building mechanics and resource collection
  • Problems with the game's tutorial requiring payment to progress
Most mentioned
  • Lag and crashes during gameplay
  • Matchmaking inconsistencies in multiplayer
  • Base building and resource collection challenges
  • Unresponsive customer service
  • Gameplay mechanics needing improvement
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 4.56
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Date Author Rating Comment
Rekha Saha
First of all. I love the allied and axis factions, but I have one problem, I can't change factions in both versions. So in the another update, I want all the players to get the ability to change factions ,9 out of 10.
Dan Pullar
Quite disappointed. The idea of the game looks cool. But I went through the tutorial but found I could only go so far without the paying for credits. Find that weird that I have to pay to finish the tutorial. Online game I couldn't find any players to play with, so result is I can't actually play the game without paying. No offline mission mode at all?
w.e.t.f music and gaming
Very little strategy involved. Campaign is just a total pain and stops being fun after a certain point. Ontop of all of that the game seems abandoned. No actual level match making means you get put against whoever with whatever and tough if you don't spend as much as them... also been waiting a week just for them to "approve" a profile name.
It froze in the middle of the game and I lost my best thanks, I've tried to reach the customer service, sent them 2 messages but they never ever replied. I would like to have a compensation for my best tanks it is not fair. It happened 3 times and I hate it. PLEASE EITHER RESPOND OR REFUND ME WHAT I PAID FOR THIS GAME. I won't change my rating until you help me!!!
Mashrif Chowdhury
I gave it three stars because I liked the characters performance, battlefield simulated situations and techniques and maneuvers. However, the handwriting and instructions were unreadable, which quickly diminished my willingness to play the game. If it can be improved, the game can be better off.
Muhammad Tanveer
I want to give 5 stars but I cut 1 star for bad chat system,the hud is too small to see the texts.I cut 2nd star for not having auto regenerate troop points.Every time you have to collect manually. And I cut 3rd star for setting time limit for missions.Why bound in time for such a fun game?I wish I could play without time limit. The story of the game is old but not the game. It is 2020, come on keep up with other game tactics.
Lee y
Overall, for a phone-based game it is good, certainly the best phone-based game i have seen, and I'm not a big fan of phone games overall. I give this 4 stars as it is generally well made, and has quite impressive mechanics in-game, and a great diversity of historic units. It could relatively easily be 5 stars with a little improvement; currently, the mission 'Lead House of Solstoy' of Moscow campaign is broken (will not load, frozen on load), and sometimes units 'wander', not following orders.
A Google user
Update :very annoying when someone calls me or I get out of the game, the game must restart or when I'm in multiplayer game game restarts and loose every time. Rev. 1) Interesting strategy game, but have lag when playing online and my units dissapear (gets destroyed) whiteout notice. Effects can be improved. NO possibility to go back (NO back button) when searching for players online and NO exit button. I have to go from home button of the phone to go out of the game.
A Google user
Needs work As a guy who studies The great patriotic war 1941-1945 the units and stuff in the game are really cool but I feel like its missing important units like BA-10 T-18 T-35 and the BM-8-24 and some infantry Aslo a mistake iv noticed is the T-34 monument says 1941 to 1945 when they had T-34s in 1940 in fact the 1940 model had the L-11 gun (just me being historical) and the game is kinda laggy at times and crashs Keep up the good work love the game so far and this is as honest as I can be
A Google user
it's too slow make it faster. and have more time to fight. and more vehicle weight for the mission and make it more realistic than cartoony and have spots to get the base buildings every time we get more building's and don't have to fight and buy a new space to put in our Base using my medals and more than 1 points for the commander upgrade the ability to have my old military base with my old phone to my New phone it's not fair to me to start a new one and I have paid for the last one
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