CT Bus

CT Bus application facilitates the use of public transport.

Total ratings

4.22 (Rating count: 437)

Review summary

  • Overall a useful app for navigating public transport in Constanța.
  • Helpful for visitors unfamiliar with the city.
  • Provides options for tickets and subscriptions.
  • Frequent app crashes and technical issues, such as problems with account registration and functionality.
  • Inaccurate bus arrival times, often misleading users about bus schedules.
  • User interface issues, including language preferences and navigation difficulties.
Most mentioned
  • App is often marked as 'useless' or 'terrible' due to various issues.
  • Users encounter issues with account creation and registration.
  • Bus arrival times are often inaccurate, causing frustration.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 4.22
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27% (6)
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59% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Florin Pandele
Almost completely useless. You can't recharge normal cards only nominal ones which can be aquired ONLY at manned special dedicated ctbus sell points and also you must buy a full month subscription. STUPID. Why can't I use value cards? It's much easier to use SMS tickets.
Johnson Axel
Bad and lags. Just use googlemaps, much better. In gmaps, zoom in to see a street and click on a bus sign(near a bus station location on the map). This will show details on all the incoming buses for the next 60 minutes for that station, not just the next bus, like this trash ct bus app.
Bwci Slayer
Foarte utilă. Ar fi plăcut totuși să știu și următoarele autobuze, nu doar cele 2-3 care vin intr.un minut sau două. Ex. Din punctul A in B, autobuzul x, la orele 7.20, 7.40, 8, 8.45 etc
Enrique Ulloa
Did you know that you can't create an account to use this app, cause the registration form doesn't work. If you guess the rules "to not receive an error creating a password", the create account button does nothing. Extra info for visitors: you can use 24pay app to buy tickets
Ana In
Efectiv nu se întâmplă nimic după ce apăs butonul de înregistrare cont.
Desire & Bogdan
Nesimțiții pământului nu respecta orarul de plecare din stațiile de plecare traseu , capăt de linie.... singurele din care s.ar putea respecta întrucât nu sunt condiționate de trafic. Probabil se întâmplă din cauză că șoferii nu au capacitatea de a înțelege scopul graficelor orare crezând că sunt făcute doar pt dânșii.
Tad Durga
Terrible app. Had to delete it right away. It's obvious that the devs are more interested in collecting your data than providing you with a convenient app.
Hamid I.
very useful app! sure, it has its glitches and miscalculations, but in general, it's quite the useful app you need when visiting a city you don't know. I recommend it for anyone who wishes to travel the city of Constanța by bus.
E utilă! Ar fi fost și mai utilă dacă ai fi putut cumpăra și bilete direct din aplicație.
Janina Trandafir
Overall este ok, acopera nevoile de transport in comun: abonament, bilete, portofel electronic. Dar se delogheaza cand ti.e lumea mai draga :( Si nu pentru ca nu a fost folosita un timp mai lung. Am platit cu aplicatia un bilet de bus si peste 1 ora cand sa o folosesc din nou era delogata! Si da.i ... pune user, pune parola. Si nu o data am patit asta!
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