GED® Test Prep 2025

1,400+ questions with answer explanations to help you pass the GED® exam!

Total ratings

4.35 (Rating count: 107)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful for studying and preparing for the GED
  • Good insights and practice efficiency during the free trial
  • Easy to grasp study concepts
  • High cost for full access and limited free trial questions
  • Poor customer support and lengthy response times
  • Missing content in practice questions leading to frustration
Most mentioned
  • The app's cost and value for money
  • Lack of sufficient free trial content
  • Frustration with missing content in questions
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.35
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56% (9)
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25% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Casie Yearwood
I would've given 0 stars if I could, the lack of support and the only way to Communicate is through email and to get them to respond to your email.Takes forever if they even do
Kris Joyner
It shouldn't cost so much to be able to practice for tests at home. The free week trial only gives you 60 unique questions to answer.. there should be more for the free trial.
I have tried several. times to get my GED The last time I passed everything except math only, like 3 pts said my score was to low the teacher said since I had had a brain tumor I wasn't smart as I was so I gave up.The teacher said I had to take all 5 test over againI was very disappointed. , but my heart, I still want to pass it. I am 70 yrs old now will some one help to get it our is this a lot cause. Thank you
Babacar Sarr
very helpful App for someone like me Who want to complete high school studio..
Jess Thompson
Great what to do your GED.
Layla Hendricks
So bad I couldn't even access a mock exam to see where I need to begin
Nuren Sasman
Well done. My first practice test made me realize how I am going to use this application to learn and prepare for the GED.
Cherie Grieco
cant stop loving this app.
Tyanna Puryear
you can only do 1 test before the app begs you for money to continue.
Angel Foute
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