Plant Identifier & Plant Care

Identify plants, Diagnose diseases, Personalized plant care for garden success

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4.59 (Rating count: 371)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 4.59

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Date Author Rating Comment
edmond amurao
No copy paste on plants info. Uninstall. No money ☹️
Lu Duds
You can do three scans, that's it. Sure, you can take care of your plants this way, or use the internet to help you, instead of paying for the knowledge. This kind of knowledge us free and it's sad people fall for these scams that just want your app. Sorry, but you're not fooling me.
Heather McClanahan
It's a good app for your plants thank you for telling me what these plants are thank you
Edmond Amurao
No plants found
Arslan Arslan
Good app for plants