GardenSnap - Plant Identifier

Instantly identify plants. Detailed guides on how to grow, care plants.

Total ratings

2.59 (Rating count: 45)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • Fun for learning about plants
  • Accurate results for some users
  • Great for identifying plants
  • Subscription required after trial period
  • App not functioning for many users
  • Invasive permission requests (like audio recording)
  • Poor customer service response
  • Inaccurate identifications for several users
Most mentioned
  • App requires a subscription after a trial period
  • Issues with app functionality and customer support
  • Concerns about privacy and permissions needed
  • Mixed experiences with accuracy of plant identification
See reviews for GardenSnap - Plant Identifier on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 2.59
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Date Author Rating Comment
Sang Dao
Great app! Highly recommend this app to plant lovers.
Jenny X
I used to love this app, but it seems to have stopped working?
Cindy S.
It was working fine until the trial period was over. I informed them 4 times that the app was not working. No response. I canceled my subscription and will continue giving poor reviews. Update: There is still no response from the developers. App not functioning. Wasted money. I would give this no stars if I could.
Krystal Tennyson
This app is very easy to use and lots of fun learning what plants are all around my house
Paul Hicks
Best free plant and tree app I have found for Android, especially the record of id's,but I can't figure out the order in which they are listed.
Rosey “RoseBudz” Budz
Good app. Accurate results. I wish it was free. The free trial had so many ad's it's a little hard to navigate.
Jude Google
Why say it's free, then force a subscription to use it? Now I have to watch my credit card just because I LOOKED at this app. In all fairness, that's how all these "free" apps operate. Give me my 3 days (or 3 identifications!), THEN ask me to subscribe for further usage!
Tracy Nguyen
I took 5 pictures already and all incorrectly identified
Liz Eatherton
Have to pay to use it. The camera doesn't work unless you also approve audio use and data isn't secure and can't be deleted.
Staci Thacker
It has a trial but not free to use😞
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