OLX.PL: Classifieds of Poland

A marketplace for shopping, rentals, job listings, and local sales deals.

Total ratings

3.01 (Rating count: 454,547)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App is full of bugs and crashes frequently
    • No English language support for a diverse user base
    • High fees for posting ads, particularly in certain categories
    • Inadequate customer service and support issues
    • Presence of scams and phishing attempts on the platform
    Most mentioned
    • Frequent app crashes and bugs
    • Lack of English language options
    • High advertisement fees
    • User complaints about phishing and scams
    • Poor customer service and account management issues
    See reviews for OLX.PL: Classifieds of Poland on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.50
    All time rating average: 3.01
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    I can't wrap my head around it. As a multimillion-dollar, multinational company, it has not been able to fix state scrolls and photos in the feed for more than three years. How did you survive to this day? Children in schools already know how to solve this problem.
    Chris Libera
    You have been warned people! A lot of Ukrainians try to do some dirty tricks on OLX, to the point where I think I will have to stop using this service altogether so I don't have my funds stolen. In Poland it's really bad and one has to very careful not to get ripped off. A lot of tracking attempts also come with this app, I've had sometimes more than 500 per day. Too bad 'cause under former name and ownership I wasn' t so bad.
    There is i am not found to language change options from polish to English
    Ahmed Fathy
    Why there's no English version. There's a lot of foreigners using this app
    Basia Gandys
    The least safe app for selling and searching for a job. A lot of phishing and scam messages as well as pyramid scheme job offers. I don't know how an app for selling and buying can be so little controlled. Not only is this app unsafe but also it's really unfit for sellers and a lot of things have to be done manually for example ending an offer after it's sold or choosing an exact point of shipping package, whereas in other apps its done automatically. Also there are only 3 days to ship order.
    Minori Zgirska
    I used to really like olx and still love the concept. Unfortunately, they decided to make their users' lives harder by using AI that you can't opt out of. It automatically fills out all details of your ad, none of which are correct, making the process twice as long cause you have to delete the AI nonsense before typing out the correct information. Won't use the app again until you can disable the function.
    Stetco Catalin
    They are a bit greedy. You can't post free ads. In certain sectors you have to pay A LOT OF MONEY to post an add for only 30 days. I've stopped using it. I bought a domain name for 1$ and I'm starting my own ads free website! Check it out soon. dedat.online!
    Przy Tool
    Plenty of bugs, slow and jumping a lot
    Pppp Sms
    Upd. Po zakupie brak możliwości sprawdzić szczegóły ogłoszenia żeby porównać z tym co otrzymałem. Weird app and service - close to waste of time. And it's getting worse and worse. Allegro is much better for sellers of used goods. First moderators move your ad to another category, but then they remove it because of "wrong category", there is no way to recover your ad.
    Gabi Uttara
    laggy, not saving view preferences in a couple of categories to show ads, spamming notifications and emails to review the product you bought, 3 times for each transaction
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