Pixel Hero: Roguelike

To fight monsters, you have to become a monster yourself

Total ratings

2.81 (Rating count: 163)

Review summary

  • Fun gameplay experience
  • No ads or microtransactions
  • Classic D&D style mobs and player power variations
  • Well-balanced mechanics
  • Enjoyable full-game experience without predatory monetization
  • Frequent and intrusive ads during gameplay
  • Difficulty spikes leading to frustration
  • Character upgrades and mechanics need improvement
  • Poor optimization and graphical issues
  • Controls can be unresponsive or laggy
Most mentioned
  • Issues with ads
  • Difficulty scaling
  • Character and progression balance
  • Desire for more control customization
  • Concerns about game optimization
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 2.81
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Date Author Rating Comment
Aloe Moe
Okay it is a good game but If you could just remove the rng on perks and allow players to upgrade anything they want that would make the game really good. The rng just makes it less fun. Also the first map perspective is not to my liking. Btw an additional uniqueness to the game would be nice like how vampire survivors has arcana and holocure has stamps. Then what would your game have?
Adam Orange
Well it looked like a game i would have enjoyed but no way im playing a game that puts advertisements IN GAME PLAY.
Travis A
Wow... break-in forced ads in the middle of a survival game boss fight!? Youre gonna lose a lotta stars on your reviews there... But not bad otherwise, but very bad idea on the ads, plus graphically, I dont understand how it takes up almost 300mb on my phone. Sorry, but good job otherwise.
There's barely 10 seconds between ads that last 10-30 seconds. More ads that gameplay.
Kaz Blaze
New update broke perks, and made zangan useless, his attack is only one charge and he dies in 4 hits while all mobs are moving 5x faster, he is useless now but cost the most to unlock, he needs a buff because you made mobs faster and even if he moves faster he still dies so fast for being the most expensive unlockable character but dies almost instantly when your fighting stringer lvls and have no difficulty choice. Still a good game but I liked playing zangan and now I can't get past 1st wave
William Olive
Great game and no adds! One of the best free games out there because you don't have to watch adds just to play.
Xerxes Angelo Bachiller
New update made the game from good to worse. Have been forced to watch ads without reward or benefit. So disappointed with the new update, this could have been a promising roguelike type of game.
Blas Dizon
Could have been special with the different camera angle. But it just didn't played good and was an unoptimized mess.
Deam N
Thanks for providing an enjoyable full-game experience without predatory monetization methods. If you added a donation method or some extras for a flat one-time purchase I'd pay.
the enemy not only tough but also, despawn? so unless you manage to kill them immediatelly and at your sight, you'll keep fighting fresh full health enemy and have zero kill.
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