Gallery - Photo Album

Photo Gallery for editing, and managing photos and videos.

Total ratings

4.58 (Rating count: 54,950)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly photo organization and management
  • Ability to lock private photos and videos
  • Restoration of lost photos and videos
  • Good interface and sorting options
  • Annoying and frequent ads
  • Inability to access photos on SD card
  • Limited editing features
  • Locked folder issues and lack of recovery options
Most mentioned
  • Frequent ads
  • Photo and video organization
  • Inability to access SD card photos
  • Issues with locked folders
  • Difficulty in editing and saving photos
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.58
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32% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Clark Jake
Yeah I really like it, it's perfect for my Android, it's just like the original Gallery but it has more features and everything, ackkk perfect
Peter Kariz133
I've tried more apps to restore my photos and guess what ... The app was deleting my photos if they last long but once i tried this app i have been saving my photos and they could last long
Mohana R
Please don't play the add its very irritating. Hereafter, if you play any ads, i Will uninstall this app.
Severina Ventura
Best App for You're Pictures. But I have one suggestion: You should be able to put text on the picture. Thanks
Trevor Allen
I added some of my videos to locked folder and I can't view them anymore, there is no way to find them 😞. Why don't you have a way to view photos that have been locked
Gelo Alcantara
Photos and Videos best organizer for me when Samsung's user-friendly pics and vid organizer is not available on any of my other phones and devices.
Aaftaab Iqbaal Rishi
My lost photos and videos photo got restored when I got this magical application. I'm very happy.
Colin Roberts
Terrible, I can't open a picture without a time consuming advert comes up
Sugar Balls
Very Disappointed - It's Not The Ads. This app does not access my photos on the SD card. Apparently it just retrieves only those on the internal storage. That's lame. It's why I am uninstalling it. The ads are pretty annoying too, but that's just part of the game now.
Harshita Ray
Awesome for using to save the photos when you need another file document and a separate facility to get instant pictures. It's amazing!!!
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