Gallery- Photo Album & Gallery

A fast photo and video gallery, quickly manage your photo, videos & album.

Total ratings

4.69 (Rating count: 84,718)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Excellent image and video quality
  • User-friendly interface and well organized
  • Lightweight and fast without major lag
  • Good editing features (when available)
  • Smooth operation with manageable ads
  • Recent updates have removed essential editing features
  • Issues with photos being displayed incorrectly (e.g., upside down)
  • Lag and freezing problems on certain devices
  • Too many ads becoming intrusive
  • Duplicate photos appearing in the same album due to timestamp modification
Most mentioned
  • Recent updates have led to the removal of features
  • Overall quality of pictures is praised
  • Lag and freezing issues on various devices
  • Ads are present but generally manageable
  • User-friendly organization of photos and videos
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.90
All time rating average: 4.69
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Date Author Rating Comment
Phyllis McMillian
It's a very excellent app I wish I would have known about it sooner
omer pro
since update 3.9.0 the refresh pull is become harder make it back smother like 3.7.0 and in common the app is amazing love it
Karbasayya Swami
Very good picture clearity
Nattimba Justine
It's really fantastic and has amazing features
Pankaj Arora
Very good app, please update with new feature
Kenken Samson
The app is well organized and is user friendly. Although it lag sometimes, the pros it has is more than enough to compensate for its flaws. I'll give it a 9.2/10
N. Miller (Norm Meunier)
As far as image and video galleries go, this app seems to do everything flawlessly.
Janie Squier
Pictures look great, and it's super easy to rename them. It's fast, lightweight and it's well organized right out of the box. Just open it, and do whatever you need to do. Thanks!
Checkout Shankar
Superb app. saved item inthe SD card Should be displayed in all categories
Nickmatul Huang
Smooth and clean to use. Ads do come up but at an understandable rate and fortunately don't last too long that it disrupts my use.
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